Doing What NEEDS to be Done
Obviously, doing what doesn't work, or what works badly, or just anything at all, is not going to produce the same results as doing what works, and needs to be done. It doesn't matter what burns the most calories, or costs the most money -- produces the most pain and/or injury. Yet many people think that is enough -- just to go ahead and do whatever they want to do, whatever turns them on, no matter what glaringly needs to be done.
And therein lies the crux of most human problems and conditions -- doing what has caused their problem, and not doing what would prevent, or cure it -- in the mistaken notion that doing whatever they want, or feel like doing, is sufficient -- and what they are entitled to do. But life doesn't work that way, no matter how much one wishes it to. And so one has to observe and experiment with what actually works, and not merely the most popular opinion of what does, or for that matter, the oldest idea of what is going on.
Yet somehow, many feel that the most popular and/or oldest ideas about the universe, are the most valid -- rather than the most primitive misunderstanding of what is at work. The truth is not a long-standing belief or an ancient wisdom, but what can be discovered in the present moment, and at any time, by anyone. That is the scientific method. So one doesn't need a cult of "experts" to tell them what to believe -- as though truth can only be handed down by the properly designated hierarchy and bureaucracy that have placed themselves in charge of such matters, and would like everybody else to pay them their dues, from here on out.
The truth is something much more serious -- and above and beyond the validation of such payments. That's why the best things in life are often undervalued, while the most worthless things, are the most popular, and in demand, because it is more profitable, to continue in that way. Thus, many of the solutions to problems, do nothing more than continue them -- rather than eliminating them completely -- because it is more profitable to do so. And that is the whole objective of that undertaking or industry -- to perpetuate the problem.
That was even more true of the past than the present -- built on the foundation of ignorance instead of knowledge. It was once more popular to think that power derived from the control of the ignorant, rather than enlightening them. Many primitive societies and cultures, still think of education based on that model -- of indoctrinating the misinformation that will keep one a captive audience/customer for life -- never breaking free of that control and monopoly.
The ultimate, is just getting one to pay forever, without ever questioning anymore, what value they are getting for it. They have been successfully conditioned just to continue that behavior obsessively and compulsively -- for no good reason, and even despite the fact that it creates the problems and injuries that now overwhelm them. And so the best they can do is stop -- and not that they can be doing something much more productive, healthier and profitable for themselves, in achieving a better life each is entitled to -- while not exploiting everybody else to accomplish that.
For such reasons, one can be convinced to go to war against all those not in one's clique -- as though that made them the proper targets for such exploitation and ruthlessness. That is the "old" mind at work -- that makes them old -- doing what doesn't need to be done, while not doing what would be wise to do -- and never changing that. That is the root of why people get old -- they refuse to change despite their unfavorable results, and will not attempt to do anything different that might work.
Thus, they are in a hopeless situation -- that has no end or possibility of improvement. They simply get worse, from here on out. That is basically how they are different from the young -- in which there is every expectation that life should get better for them, and when they absolutely feel that is no longer possible, claim the mantle of being old -- as their reason. But it is not a reason -- but a way of life they have chosen, not to change, and not to improve any longer. The best they can hope for, is to deteriorate for as long as possible -- even dragging as many down with them as possible.
All that would seem so preposterous and sad, if it weren't so true an observation of the present aging crisis in the world. There aren't enough able-bodied people to take care of all the hopelessly deteriorating people in the world -- who aren't taking care of themselves the best that is now possible. That is the forbidden thought. What chaos would be unleashed, if everybody could best take care of themselves -- and not have that done for them, by whatever powerful interest group, was most successful in that power struggle, that they should do the thinking and therefore take care of everybody else -- because that would be the most profitable outcome for them.
Once one is clear in one's thinking, then the methods and paths are many -- and not just the one that doesn't work, and only ensures one's doom, desperation and hopelessness -- as the only way it can ever be.
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