No Amount of Doing it Wrong will Make it Right
Many people are taught to believe that there is only one way to do anything, so that when things go wrong, the only solution is to apply more force (effort) rather than improving their understanding -- of how things are going wrong, and how to make them right. They insist on staying true to their present understanding -- no matter how disastrous the results are, while merely increasing those same efforts that have not proven successful -- and rejecting anything different. That would threaten their world view -- as the only way it could ever be.
So rather than anything ever getting better, everything just gets worse for them -- in a one-way downward spiral that they are certain is the fate of every life, no matter what they do. Of course such despair invariably leads to depression and the sense of hopelessness that is the worst of all human ills -- whether one has actual physical ailments or not.
Conversely, those with an outlook that thinks to try everything humanly possible until something does work, invariably find a way -- that works. Way before that ultimate solution, they get better and closer to finding the solution and truth of their quandaries -- as rightfully, the proper purpose of all their activities. Just as often as not, the better way may be something far different from what they set out thinking -- as their solution to their problem, which might have even worked before but no longer does, and might now even be the source of that problem.
The obvious ones are the champion athletes who now only become injured trying to do those things they did easily and effortlessly before -- that now may even be a threat to their continued survival as they grow older and wiser. The truly wise, at that point, move on to where they can continue to experience success rather than tempting permanent debilitating injury and disability.
Usually, one sees the trend of decreasing reward at increasing risks, and changes course appropriately and moves onto new and different ways of being successful -- even if one was never before. But there is certainly no point, in continuing to do what one always did before -- resulting in failure and poor outcomes. No amount of complaining and lamenting is going to change that -- yet that is what many do, while actually doing nothing that would make a difference!
The road of history, is littered with many such lives -- as the only thing many thought they could do -- which should become increasingly apparent to many, was not all that could be done -- even and especially in one's daily lives, where it would make the most difference. People don't all do the same thing -- which accounts largely for their difference in outcomes and fortunes -- no matter how much mass media would like us to think otherwise. If they had their d'ruthers, everybody would think and do the same thing -- with the same results, but obviously, that's not what's happening, even if one wishes it were so.
The weakness is the lack of fullest understanding of what is going on -- even while there may be many variations of the explanation that no one has a monopoly of the truth on. That's true for exercise, medicine, investing, marketing, human knowledge and relations. They are an ever-evolving and improving understanding -- and not simply that the oldest is the best. Frequently, they are the least perfected -- even if advanced for their time.
Because of such advances in every field of human activity and knowledge, the state-of-the-art subsumes all -- rather than just being the politically-(socially-) correct half-truth people often argue about. The better issue, is which is the whole truth -- and not what partisan truth should win out over the other. That is the endless problem -- and not the solution of evolving a greater (whole) truth.
That greater whole is transformative -- changing everything, and not just one thing -- while everything stays the same. That is no change at all. It is simply the same old problem in a different light, using different words. But nothing has really changed -- not even the understanding of the problem.
And that greatest understanding, is coming to the realization that everything one knows, is the problem -- preventing them from trying anything truly different. They just call the same thing (lack of understanding) by a different name -- and think they have solved the problem, which of course, keeps on coming back.
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