Friday, October 16, 2020

Sometimes the Worst that can Happen

  Is the best thing that can happen -- because then,  the worst fears are realized -- and overcome.  Until then, the fears become the limits of what we think is the unthinkable, but only when we are forced to confront it in the actuality, and not just academically and theoretically, we really never know anything with any certainty, and discover the truth of the matter.

It was formerly thought that the world was flat, and if one sailed far enough to the edge of the world, one would simply fall off -- and never be heard from again -- when the truth of the matter, was that there were worlds that existed that one could not imagine -- as the New World yet to be discovered.  So it was realized, that the only thing we had to fear, was fear itself -- and not the realization of any actuality, unless we were forced to make that desperate leap.

Otherwise, one can never sufficiently be motivated just by curiosity and intellectual satisfaction to go far enough beyond the present known -- with all its fears and trepidations.  That is often the case when young birds are finally forced out of the nest -- to learn that they can fly -- when they have to!  Those are the essential lessons of life -- without which, one is crippled, and will not survive for long -- and that is the way of Nature that has gotten us this far, so well.

Could it have be done better or even differently?  Time makes up for a lot of mistakes.  When one has all the time in the world to get it right, eventually one has to get it right -- and that is the only thing that matters, but until then, we never know for certain -- as many presume to.

But as has been pointed out many times before, the thought is not the thing itself -- but always only an approximation of what we are actually dealing with.  What we think we are dealing with, may not in fact be what is -- and that is the root of most misunderstandings and the problem.  The problem is other than we thought it to be, and until that is understood properly, is the reason the solution fails, and all one has  done, is created more elaborate explanations of why everything goes wrong.  Obviously, the problem is not the solution -- but merely multiplies the problem into a bigger one.

At the present time, it should be obvious to most people considering a future, that crowded big city environments are not viable on their present course -- nor are settlements in pristine forests -- so the answer might lie somewhere between those extremes -- as the best of all possible worlds.  That is still a choice for most people -- rather than to live a horrible life where one presently is, and so the greatest task of organizations and individuals, is to find that optimal for themselves -- and not just settle for their dismal prospects remaining where they are.

In a previous time, the best advice was to go West -- until everyone took that advice and those areas became too popular and crowded as well.  But now, the best advice to increase one's prospects, would be to move inland, away from the overcrowded coasts, where many places are offering attractive inducements to move there.  What has one to lose?  One has a chance for a fresh start -- and that should never be taken for granted, or overlooked.

Nobody ever had the right to be overwhelmingly successful being where they are -- no matter what.  Ultimately successful people, had to move into the void of greener pastures to make their lives and fortunes.  It won't happen living in their parent's basement.  They have to be forced out of the nest -- to fly, otherwise, they will simply soil their own environment until they are drowning in it.  That becomes the problem of hoarding on the other end -- when one is simply holding on to everything, and letting nothing go.  Then one is buried by all that trash.

So what is the world telling us now?


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