Tuesday, March 01, 2022

How the World Changes

  First slowly, then all of a sudden.

Some can see it coming, while most will not; they will choose to go into denial until it is no longer possible -- and they are swept away by the tsunami of events -- wondering what happened, and claiming nobody could have seen it coming.  Very few choose to rely on their own senses -- and can see it happening, but will rely on a chosen few to tell them what is happening, and do their thinking for them.

So at the first sign that something is amiss, they claim that is not so because somebody else did not tell them it was so.  In that manner, they will always be the last to know -- rather than the first, and would not have it any other way, even though life punishes them at every turn and juncture -- for not thinking for oneself -- as Nature intended.  That's why everyone is born with the full complement of faculties and abilities to get by on at least a minimal level, and some will go on to develop great mastery in the many ways it is possible to do so.

That is the challenge and meaning of each existence.  It's not all written and done in some sacred books and texts -- but for each to give it a try, and find out for themselves the truth of the matter.  Otherwise, what somebody else says may be true, may not be true for that individual -- and that is the reality that matters.  All anybody has to go by, is the knowledge and experience they have accumulated so far -- which is not all that can be known, or knowable.  The unknown is the vast -- while the known, is what just one person knows -- and they could be wrong entirely.  That wouldn't be the first time that happened.

But we each get to try our best -- for a more perfect understanding, and it never ends there -- but evolves to ever greater levels.  Even with that, one takes their best shot and chance -- that what they think they know, is at least going in the right direction, and at least works satisfactorily for the present moment -- which may have to be revisited and revised at some future moment -- in all probability.  That is not the certainty and authority many demand -- even if it explains nothing, and produces no predictable desired results.

Yet they'll show up the next day, and do the same thing, for time immemorial with no expectations of positive results, nor thinking that anything can make a difference.  That is simply what God intends -- to make fools of us all -- to prove His superiority.  Of course that would be a petty and chaotic world -- rather than the evolution to higher order that the steadfast believe is possible, and even inevitable.  But someone has to break the code -- so the many can follow.

Obviously, to put weight on, one has to first put it in -- and the body doesn't just decide arbitrarily to go haywire and break all the rules of natural laws and experience -- and create mass from thin air.  Glands don't misfire that badly.  Still, that is what many who should know better, insist is happening.  People die out of the blue, for no good reason, so it doesn't matter how immune they condition themselves to be -- because whether one is 600 lbs or 60 -- the chances are the same, so what is the use in trying to do better?

That is political correctness -- an insistence that there are no differences and distinctions, no matter what.  One must be blind to all -- and only in that way, can complete randomness of results be assured.  Nobody ever became good at anything training that way.  Yet that would be blasphemy in most academic institutions now -- the naive notion that anything could make a difference, and that is what we should be discriminating for -- and not that all discrimination is bad and should be outlawed.

That is why people are in poor health -- thinking nothing makes a difference -- when achieving one's best health is not only possible, but the entire reason for all existence.  That says it all; is the whole point -- and not just for the exceptional few.

Not to feel that essential equality of opportunity, is the worst kind of elitism and arrogance.  The world works for everybody -- and not just for self-designated and self-selected bureaucrats -- because they are the "chosen."  Time will always tell, and that is why nobody cheats mortality.

In every event, the unfit will perish first -- and not as many foolish have demanded, that "even one person dying, is one too many," along with many asinine statements displaying no understanding of the most fundamental truths of life -- as though wishing it were so, is enough to make it so.  No matter how rich, powerful and famous, all will still die, but that does not mean that life cannot be better and has to make it so.  No, that is not what everyone owes to every other, but what each owes to themselves -- primarily.

It would be nice if everybody else in the world would look after me as their primary responsibility -- but that's not the world most will live in, in which there is one Pharaoh -- and everybody else in the world just showed up to applaud and adulate me, as the many delusional "stars" have been "promoted" to believe.  The truth of the matter is that most people are busy living their own lives, and only a relative few believe that everybody else just showed up to be their "followers."  Some people have real friends, and real lives.

So when we drill down to that core of existence, those are the results that matter, and not simply what many believe are true -- because they haven't given it much thought, and have relied on everybody else to be right.  Don't mistake the jargon for the reality of the situation.  Exercise is not effective because one designates it as "aerobic" or "anaerobic," or any other term.    That is simply the marketing gimmick.

The actuality is the truth of the matter.  That's why some people get results and many others don't.  It's not enough just to think one knows -- like the countless delusional people.  Only a few make it happen -- but that is enough to change the world.


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