Thursday, March 02, 2023

Is Exercise Necessary?

 A healthy life is movement (exercise) — so why would one not do it? Only if they were totally disabled — which would not be a healthy life. So to be healthy implies being all one can be — and that means exercising all their faculties fully. That is what life is all about. Does one think one could enjoy not moving, or never being able to move again — as some kind of nirvana?

But in order to ensure everything is still in good working order, one has to actually use those capacities — and not just imagine one still has them, or could access them easily. By then, it is usually lost forever — if one has never exercised them before. Those possibilities shrivel up and die — for lack of that stimulation that keeps those pathways alive.

So rather than exercise being the “extra-ordinary,” it should be regarded as the “ordinary,” and among the things one must do to maintain optimal health — like proper breathing, circulation, nutrition, elimination, hygiene, dress, balance, proportion, symmetry in all things. That’s not “extra” — so one can play video games all day while gorging on pizzas. Survival at the highest level of possibility is the objective of all life. It is the categorical imperative. The problem is that many make that hard rather than easy — and natural.

All that is not necessary — but some insist it is so — usually as part of their own money-making scheme. If people could listen to their own bodies and senses, then what would be the need for such “experts” to tell them what to think and how they feel?

Exercise is the expression of their capabilities; they don’t exist otherwise. We all have the same basic equipment as members of a species, but what some can do with them, is what they practice to be proficient at. If that is to look robust and healthy, that is what they do. There is that connection — and not just brains existing in space apart from their physical manifestations. A person capable of doing something, will look the part. That is the world of reality.

It is very important to know when a question is only theoretical — and has no basis in actuality. Exercise is the manifestation and embodiment of health — and doesn’t exist apart from it. But health is not the manifestation and embodiment of exercise — which is something else entirely, and why so many people go astray. In a cause and effect universe, we have to have the right order of things — which is lost in a world of correlation and coincidences as the ruling principle of that alternative universe. Correlation is not causation. Lives do not exist coincidentally to what one is doing, but is the direct result of what one is doing.


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