Monday, September 02, 2024

Once a Week Higher-Intensity Gym Workouts

  If you work out intensely, then it won’t be possible to work out oftener than once a week. That is the general rule — or observation, because that all-out effort can only be done infrequently — and not every day — even by the best. It is like a professional or even college football player playing a big game every day. There is not enough recovery ability and psychic energy to do so on that frequency. If one did, then one would exhaust their recovery ability and regress —rather than progress — but far more common is becoming injured because the body cannot maintain that level of intensity for long — or frequently.

So that is lesson one in any athlete’s training — to discover that point that is not too little, or too much — and err on the side of too little, because one can always do a little more — but if one is too aggressive, is that they will injure themselves, and set them back for weeks — or forever, which is how many swear off exercise for the rest of their lives. You don’t want to be that guy —- that is the worst case scenario.

That’s why anybody who tells you they are training to failure everyday, on every set, doesn’t know what they are talking about — because even the greatest athletes know to pace themselves and peak at exactly the right moment — and then once that is achieved, many often go off the rails — and do all kinds of things they feel they have deprived themselves of to reach that peak condition in that right moment.

Most people however, just want to be in acceptable shape and condition all their lives — rather than the one moment of glory and then die prematurely — or become crippled for life. That greatly explains why a lot of these bodybuilding competitors die early — rather than being the paragons of health up to 100. And that really is the objective for most people — and not whether they can obtain maximal gains at any cost, no matter how briefly. With that in mind, one wants to know what is the sustainable pace of improvement throughout one’s life — rather than the one and done — and then we move on to the next impressive prodigy with short shelf life. We really want to be the first person to 100 who doesn’t look 100 — and not the person who is 100 who looks like they should be dead. Or even 60 for that matter.

The problem with a once a week intense workout is not that it is not productive, but that it produces extreme muscular soreness for the following week that seems to worsen even up to the fourth day and sometimes beyond after the workout, and then finally to show signs of recovery up to the day of one’s next weekly intense workout. So the problem is always that one is recovering from this extreme muscle soreness — that pains one to bend at most joints — if one does not do anything else for the whole week. And so the key breakthrough, was recovering from this extreme and debilitating muscle soreness, so that one can live an enjoyable life — rather than just being in recovery perpetually — even if that is what it takes to achieve maximum muscle growth in the fastest time possible.

Because the bigger objective — in all one does — is to achieve the most enjoyable life possible, and not just the one thing — and being healthy and highly functioning is more important than any single competition — at whatever cost. The wise strategy is finding out how much less one can do to achieve that same effect — rather than how much more one can do — which often results in less of that effect — or diminishing returns for more cost and effort. The medical expression is the smallest effective dose — and not the popular belief that if a little is good, than more must be better — infinitely.

So if one goes to the gym once a week and works out at any intensity, that is already good enough to keep them in the game — all their lives. You just don’t want to go to zero — by overdoing it and getting injured or burned out so that one swears off doing anything anymore for the rest of their life. That is the critical failure. But if one is going to the gym once a week and working out as hard as they want to, that puts them way ahead of most people — including a lot of people who do more — and then stop, because their regimen becomes too difficult to continue.

Lots of people recount how active and even prolific they used to be 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago — but haven’t done anything since — so what matters is what they still do now, and can do better. But a hundred times zero, is still zero. That is also true for 1,000% followed by zero. So the proper intensity, is what one can do — and continues to do — regularly. That is “regular” exercise. Then when one is exercising regularly, the next question to ask, is what is most beneficial to do?

For most people, that would be becoming good or better at what they already do — and not as the exercise experts would have them do — become good or better at what they never do otherwise. Yet that seems to be largely what the exercise experts teach — movements one would not even think to do — while ignoring the difficulties/or pain they are having at what they actually do.

Another word for intensity is “focus” — which means to concentrate one’s energy and efforts to the proper axis of attention — and not have it dissipated and scattered everywhere so one loses that central importance of what is being studied — and its causes and effects. Then one can measure its significance as cause and effect — rather than just being coincidental and correlated to anything — which may or may not be important. Correlation is the beginning and not the ending of one’s studies. Poor scientists and researchers seek to confirm their beliefs by eliminating all the information contrary to it — rather than proving a direct causal relationship in a random population sample.

The importance of that is that a principle will work on anybody and everybody — and not just on a highly motivated self-selected few — who may have very little in common with the average population. It may be that it only works for a special population sample — rather than being a universal truth. But one recognizes the truth that everybody is not indefatiguable — and must rest and recover to some degree greater than others. It is during those times that the body has the chance to get rid of the damage and build itself better — for the next time. But if the next time never comes, that response is extinguished — because the body has more important things to do than maintain a reserve that is never tapped.

As one gets older, they realize that resources are not unlimited but have to be diligently maintained in the best balance — with priority to whatever is most important to do. That with unquesttionably be to maintain the functioning and health of the extremities of the head, hands, and feet, where it is usually noted, that the circulation and development is the most compromised — as the telltale signs of aging. Perfect — because those alternating contractions and relaxations of the musculature of those organs, optimize the circulatory effect of the body — if one were designing the human body as a machine for optimal performance and functioning. Those movements can be performed anytime, anywhere, as needed — to enhance the recovery from the once a week intense workouts at the gym.


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