Saturday, June 17, 2006

Introduction to the Five-Minute Workout

People who try the One-Minute Workout (posted October 22, 2005), immediately recognize the better circulation to the brain, resulting in clearer thinking and better brain functioning -- because nothing else is possible. That is the immediate result of movement -- and not a result that materializes only six-months from now, or from wishful-thinking. The rest of the body works in that same fashion -- to immediately produce enhanced functioning, and particularly so, when this process is recognized and intentional.

Movement is the process of producing a flow -- of energy, body parts, external objects -- but most importantly, the flow of fluids throughout the body. To maximize this circulatory effect, one has to initiate a muscle contraction from the most remote part of the body back towards the heart. Not coincidentally, the musculature is designed for this purpose and function -- but it has to be discovered, or learned; it is not automatic. The potential exists but it has to be learned to use -- like many of our capacities.

That should be the function of schools and education -- but it isn’t. What is taught instead, is the greater dependency on another -- to tell one what to do, and what to think, as the objective of that instruction -- and not one’s own empowerment and freedom from such dependencies. Simply put, that is the exploitation of another, rather than a free exchange between two equals. The process then is one of subjugation -- of one to the other, which most come to unfortunately regard as the student-teacher relationship -- of the dysfunctional sort, because it is not a free exchange but coerced. The most common is the coercion of misinformation, disinformation, deception, manipulation, intimidation -- all posing as innocent, objective, motiveless information -- which is no longer possible in the old mass media.

So, many are turning to alternative sources -- which are often the original sources of information -- not easily available and accessible in a previous time. But with today’s searching capabilities, the impossible has become the commonplace and vastly more reliable. In fact, one frequently finds in reading the original source and the interpreted version (mediated), that what the original said, has been frequently distorted to convey precisely and deliberately, the opposite.

In that manner, all good news can become bad news -- if bad news is what they believe sells, believe is their audience or calling in life -- those who relish bad news, and insatiably can never get enough of it. It’s not a healthy life (information) orientation, but that’s what many were conditioned to believe, should be the quest of their lives -- and not better. Their programming is to seek the bad and the worst -- leaving more for those realizing it is more fruitful to seek the good and the best.

It should be obvious which is the better choice -- yet many will choose the opposite. The plausible rationale will be that it hasn’t happened before so its time must be due. In this manner, many can convince themselves that what isn’t working, is due to start working if they simply persist long enough and hard enough at it. Meanwhile, the others are eating their lunch.


At June 17, 2006 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I imagine there are dozens of readers like myself who are wanting some proof of your efficacy.

How are we to judge an opionionated (yet sketchy) character as yourself?

AI'll tell you how - ask him what protocol he follow if he were **today** diagnosed with a stage 4 cancer. (Yes, we know that is not possible given your lifestyle , but indulge your readers)



At June 18, 2006 1:13 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

All we can hear now from the "old" media now, is the Prozac talking.

At June 18, 2006 10:49 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

Needless to say, a large component of health and well-being is mental and emotional -- being the best argument for complete and balanced development. The healthy individual can easily see the need for greater simplicity and efficiency -- which is not obvious to the mind that lives in confusion and is hopelessly fragmented, divided, conflicted. One can read it in their writing, speaking and body language -- as the manifestation of that understanding and clarity.

Of course if they were rational, they would not be behaving irrationally -- and logical appeals might work. But you don’t stand on the street corners yelling sense into the deranged person ranting at the universe and whomever is available for their abuse -- thinking one is doing something productive to guide that individual back to sanity. Those closest to them in actual dealings have to make that intervention. These forums are not a sufficient outlet and substitute for the proper rehabilitation and direction of those with mental health problems beyond the intent of this blog to discuss.

Many such individuals are in the habit of constant communications with the editors of their local newspapers -- who consider them quite sane and admirable. They should continue in those “relationships,” along with all the other professional help they are “entitled” to.

As I’ve said previously, the audience for which I am targeting my writing and comments are the high-end self-actualizes and extraordinary people -- who wnt something beyond the remedial. While my message is universal and open to everyone, I do not target the dysfunctional and needy; there are many others who do target that segment of the population -- of dependency and co-dependency. And in fact, that is the much more lucrative end of the market -- since government as we know it, funds the problem rather than its solution, and a growing problem out of control means vastly more high-paying government jobs and grants.

I have chosen not to go that route -- but to limit my exposure from all the possibilities in the world -- to that which I find the most useful and rewarding, which is the highest end of functioning and purpose. Many of those people will in turn pass on that attainment of highest human functioning with all those they have contact with in their own unique spheres of influence.

Abraham Maslow, the pioneer of studies of self-actualization and high-performance, remarked that in the identification of those who met the profile, a calling that was unrepresentative, were writers -- as they had until recently been a fairly limited class of self-chosen “professionals” prone to delusions, deceptions, mental illness and drug addiction. One will note that in literary circles, the most unbalanced tend to be revered for their obtuseness requiring schools of interpreters to decipher them to their students.

Clarity, brevity and succinctness are disparaged. Rather, their pride is in being able to lead one through the labyrinths of their mental illness and torments. They insist that their peculiar concerns are the weighty problems of the world -- and will not let the rest pass until everyone does their biding and they are appeased.

At June 18, 2006 6:14 PM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

People who have been treated badly and contemptuouly all their lives, unfortunately think that if you are nice to them and are willing to hear them out more than they actually merit, that it must be because you are stupid.

In that manner, they transform any advantage and opportunity for success, into another humiliating defeat.

There's a reason people don't get any respect -- and reflexively competing with every other they think does get respect, is not an indication of intelligent behavior. An intelligent person would find a way to maximize the intelligence of all -- and not use his just to vanquish all the others, in all their petty competitions that keep them lonely and bitter people.

At June 18, 2006 6:24 PM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

In this way, people are distracted from discussing those matters that would be highly beneficial and interesting to all the others -- since there will be the one inevitable individual demanding all the attention to their needs.

That's what they can do on their own blogs -- which of course, nobody else will read. So they will come around to other worthwhile blogs demanding that everybody should listen to them as well -- just as the protesters think they should be the main story over the appearance of the President or the Governor with equal interest and respect -- in your local newspapers and news.

It's just a waste of everybody's time -- and the reason for the demise of the old media and that mentality.

At June 18, 2006 6:28 PM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

Smart people don't go around calling everybody "stupid;" that's what stupid people think smart people do.


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