Articulation and Expression (Body Language)
The current emphasis on developing the "core" muscles of the body -- develops that which is not (less) necessary to do, while ignoring and dismissing the obvious (glaring) needs of the diminishing (failing) functioning at the vital organs (muscles) of the body, that uniquely manifests the expressions and capabilities of that individual -- which are the articulations and range of movement of the extremities of the head (face and neck), hands and feet -- that gives meaning to the vital connection of hand-eye coordination.
Glute-eye, or even abdominal-eye coordination, has no real-world meaning, because a movement or gesture only becomes meaningful when it is articulated and expressed at the head (face), hands and/or feet -- and not as a gluteus maximus contraction, or "pec bounce." Such movements are entirely contrived -- although it is possible to create any movement and give it great significance -- when it is merely arbitrary to do so.
In the case for "core" development, the rationale is that they are the largest muscles of the body, and so by exercising them, that will ensure the maximum energy expenditure -- rather than the least, or greatest economy and efficiency of movement -- which the masters of every movement and activity, signifies their greatest achievement. Who can do the most -- with the least "apparent" effort -- and not who seems to struggle the most (mightily), just to do the simplest things, or even anything at all. That would not be a pleasing performance to witness.
This is particularly important as one experiences diminishing capabilities and reserves -- necessitating the greatest economies of effort, as would be the case in recovering from life threatening illness, injuries, or circumstances -- that would convey their actual fitness, and not merely exhausting themselves purposelessly at every opportunity. That will not help in conditioning oneself to better overcome the challenges they might face at those moments that determine whether they go on, or life ceases, or goes into irreversible and irrecoverable decline.
For those who have traveled in countries in which a different language is used, "body language" then becomes one's major skill at communications -- including and especially, denoting one's awareness and alertness to an (unfamiliar) environment. We see that most importantly in just passing -- that some are oblivious to everyone and everything else, while others convey a sense of knowing what everybody is doing -- and also respond appropriately.
In sports and performances, that is described as "being in the zone" -- or the largest consciousness and awareness of what is going on -- as though they were actually dictating that reality, and not just being a part, or worse, a victim of what is going on. We call them, "those who make things happen."
But how does that awareness arise, and is determined? It is from our sensory inputs -- located at our head, hands and feet (balance). So not to tend to them as the most important objective of that which is most valuable to maintain and improve -- while diverting those energies and focus to one's glutes (posterior), seems one of the great misplacements of that which is most productive to do -- in favor of that which is really designed and intended not for fine, discriminatory movements, but for support and anchorage to the actual movements of significance, articulation and expression -- which we know as art, music, dance, athletics, writing, thought and all the rest we recognize as a life of great achievement and responsiveness (aliveness).
Again, that is particularly important as people lose that responsiveness with age, and for many, who never fully developed them in the first place -- never thought it was necessary to do so, and instead, thought it more important and meaningful, to know how much weight they could lift with their glutes, or even, leg biceps, which I don't know of any other real application when it would be advantageous to do so.
So what do we want to become good at, and which is most important for humans to do? That would be to communicate as effectively with all the others in the world as possible -- through those faculties we have honed to do so. It is not the treadmill, with a look of disdain and boredom for being compelled to do so -- and not even being allowed to question, "why?"
That is just the old "physical education" of doing what the "teacher" demands, and if not, one will have to do twice as much. That is the price one often pays for letting another do all one's thinking for them -- and never dare to ask, "Might there be another way -- that makes more sense, and is about sharpening those senses, sensitivities and sensibilities -- so that they never abandon us, especially in the times of our greatest needs?
That would be a meaningful sense of "fitness," and a worthwhile conditioning for whatever life brings.
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