Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Giant Swing

The Giant Swing

In the mid-80s, I ran across a very thin volume in which a doctor from the early 20th century, advised doing the Giant Swing — as a remedy for virtually every major human ill — and so it was hard to take him seriously — in an age of increasing specialization and fragmentation.

Each of the 20 chapters or so, described a health condition in two pages, for which the remedy was the exact same movement — which he called, The Giant Swing. It was kind of maddening to see the same simple exercise prescribed for all the major illnesses of the times — but I was used to hearing eccentric ideas regarding training — often from the inventors themselves, and kept an open mind as to how their insights concurred with actual observations and experiences.

As a still fairly young person, these answers seemed too easy and obvious — or “too good to be true,” that it is easy to assume that they must not be true — because we are conditioned to not believing our own senses but to rely on the “unquestionable authorities” who claim to do all the thinking for everyone henceforth — just because they thought of it first. But real science is always challenging authority — in a quest for a better understanding, and not merely accepting previous authorities as the end-all of what can be known — especially when it fails to solve our age-old problems.

At that point, we don’t stop looking and give up in despair that there can be a better solution and understanding, but find out ourselves what works and what doesn’t — even if only for ourselves. And then if it does, the secret will get out — even if suppressed, censored, edited out by the gatekeepers of information paid handsomely to maintain the status quo.

But the quest for truth and understanding, is a higher calling that eventually overwhelms the narrow self-aggrandizing interests — to lay the foundation for the next level of evolution, which requires the presence of a critical mass of population of first sufficient longevity, and secondly, the healthspan beyond that. Thus, simply a longer life, is not sufficient to define health, but health is now measured beyond mere survival. That sign, would be the ability to maintain their functioning, mobility, and competence to accomplish all the tasks to maintain independence and freedom in life. That is now the new standard for meaningful existence — and not simply the bare vital signs with no willful capacity.

On the other hand, one does not need to be setting world records for their age group — or in open competitions for that matter — to prove they are still viable, and merit living longer. It should be enough to provide for their own independent living — at increasing higher levels of competency. That is already plenty, and accomplished even by a few — including the young and more active. Only a few become wiser with age — while many more become older and simply fall apart increasingly, because they have no way of getting better. The many ways offered by the “experts,” require them to be highly-functioning, to become better, rather than starting from their present state of competency — even if it is barely detectable.

That is the basic level of responsiveness — where any sign of voluntary movement is indicative of the possibility of improvement. Everyone has days like that, and so what is of primary importance, is being able to raise oneself from the dead — as required, this one more time. Or if one doesn’t feel up to doing anything, anymore. The giant swing is a good way to get started — because the movement of the head relative to the torso, produces the alternation of the muscle contraction and relaxation at the neck, to enhance that flow to the most important organ of the human body. But without that specific flow, it doesn’t matter how fast and how hard the heart is working — because that is not the lack — but is the last thing one needs to worry about. But in most conventional exercise with their muddled and even backwards understanding of the value of exercise, they place the autonomic above the voluntary muscular action — which is certainly wrong thinking and wrong understanding of the human body.

There is a reason it is an autonomic (automatic) function and not that one has to reinvent millions of years of evolution because Nature got it wrong in providing so — in every living animal. But the voluntary muscular actions, is what every individual can do to enhance their present functioning, capabilities and development. That is simply inescapable common sense and self-evident truth — that any right-thinking individual can discover for themselves. But unfortunately, that is not how many learn anymore — thinking that the primary way of learning, is to ask somebody else for the truth of the matter. And if all the “experts” are aligned on one consensus, it doesn’t matter that it doesn’t work for anyone — and never will. They are in agreement on what the truth is — despite it being nonproductive and even ruinous for everyone — but they are the experts who will continue to be in charge as these problems get worse — without end.

But if one can simply perform the giant swing that ensures the enhancement of the blood flow primarily to the brain, and secondarily to the muscles (organs) of the torso, one can feel fairly confident that one is engaging enough of the total musculature beyond simply working the heart harder and faster — to do some real good. However, one still has to do that, and not merely think that that makes perfectly good sense — and knowing that alone without exercising that knowledge, is sufficient to obtain desirable results.

The giant swing is more commonly known as the torso twist while looking straight ahead, or the 360 degree head turn — requiring the engagement and activation of all the muscles of the body to achieve. 


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