Friday, April 30, 2010

You Have To Know What You Are Doing

A lot of pseudo-scientific people will point out with pride that what they know, they know, by observing people who had no idea what they were doing -- which are the claims made for double-blind testing, in which the participants will have no idea what they are being observed for -- and every attempt will be made to keep them in that ignorance, when in most human activities, what you know, or think you know, is the test -- and simply doing anything without that as a concurrent or primary intent, is meaningless, and way before the study is ended, the subjects will have lost all interest in what they are doing -- which may be all the researchers may be measuring.

When it comes to exercise, and the studies of exercise, it would have to be obviously true that one doing something one hour a day, every day, would develop a greater insight and understanding into what they are doing -- even more importantly than what they are doing, because that's what the basic human constitution requires one to do. If they become more unconscious and unaware of what they are doing, then most people would not judge that to be progress or success, no matter what they became "the world champion" at -- which would again be totally meaningless and purposeless, because that was not what they were trying to be.

Such a world would be a random nightmare that one had no idea of the results one was hoping to achieve, and so doing just anything, told them nothing, and maybe in 25 years, they could learn about they were doing, and reveal the monumental study they had participated in. In such a scheme and universe, time separates everything -- and so there is no immediate biofeedback that what they are doing feels right because it achieves precisely the effect they want to -- instead of the private fantasy going on in their heads that they have mastered the universe, and everyone they encounter, are also aware of their great distinction. And so that explains why many behave "inappropriately," when the appropriate behaviors are obvious to everyone else -- who have agreed that they have to share a common basis for that intelligence and awareness to manifest, and for subsequent greater social organizations to be created and sustained.

That is the essential human contract that governs all purposeful activities that one can meaningfully assess, is worthwhile doing -- and not simply the advice, that doing anything is better than doing nothing -- because even "nothing," is obviously a judgment on the value of what one is already doing. That doing is primarily a judgment that one is not doing something, that would meet with the approval of the person purportedly with the superior knowledge or control of what is really going on -- as though only they actually knew.

That's not the reality most live in except in the most oppressive societies of our times -- which are distinguished by the deliberate intent to keep everyone else in the dark about what is actually happening and going on -- because they alone know what is best for everyone else. That increasingly, feels like what we experience in contemporary life as the technocracy -- of rule and regulations by the experts, usually for their exclusive benefit.


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