Making It Simple (And to the Point)
Most people are out of shape, or in poor condition, because they don’t do a few specifically body shaping/conditioning movements frequently enough to retain that “memory” -- because it is a neurological capability as much as a cardiovascular one -- and it is this former neuromuscular programming, that causes one to look (be) in-shape. The cardiovascular capacity has little to do with this momentary ability to alter/transform one’s shape -- as one’s trained (neuromuscular) capability to do so.
One would not expect to throw a football (or any other skill) perfectly -- if one hadn’t done it for a long time -- if ever, and for that same reason, a lot of bodies do not take on a pleasingly proper shape because one has never practiced doing so. The only muscle in the body that always performs in that manner and therefore maintains its proper shape, is the heart muscle -- so it has a well-recognized “shape” -- no matter what condition the rest of the muscles are in, which causes people to vary in appearance quite widely, so that many are even unrecognizable as human beings in the shape we normally recognize them to be.
This familiar (pleasing) shape is due to proper programming -- rather than simply a function of random gross activity, as for example, burning as much calories as possible -- without the specific objective and intent of shaping (articulating) the muscle to its greatest possibility. In doing so frequently enough, that muscle takes on that memory -- of “how to be” -- as a preference for appearance and performance, in a way that simply random activity won’t. So it doesn’t matter how much of this random, or unspecified expression one does, if one does not do those precise, specific movements that achieve the ultimate expression of that muscle, as its well-recognized capacity.
All the spasmodic tantrums on the floor, though burning maximum calories and exacting maximum wear and tear on the body as well as the furnishings, are not going to make one the world’s gymnastic champion -- or proficient at anything, and so one will rightly and predictably retreat to the despair and futility of unrestrained snacking -- as the defining action of one’s existence.
So quantity of activity is not the defining measure as much as quality of activity is. That’s what "makes" world’s champions -- and people distinctively fitter and more in-shape than others. It is not the quantity of activity but the quality that distinguishes this difference -- at every level of performance, just as depositing one’s money on the sidewalk is not the same as depositing it in a bank, or brokerage. It is not that doing the latter requires more energy to learn about and do correctly, as the fact that they are doing the “right” thing -- and not just anything, and expending more calories and effort doing so.
This is true of every human activity -- no matter what -- that doing precisely the right thing, makes the difference that simply doing a lot, or even all the wrong things cannot accomplish. Yet that is the manner that intellectuals (writers) usually discuss these activities thinking they are making meaningful human sounds and significance.
The problem with most obese people is that they never learn to use their muscles to make themselves trim and in-shape — because that is the primary function of the muscles — to contract (make smaller). It’s a skill everyone can learn to immediately make themselves thinner and more muscular(-looking) instantly.
With daily practice, one just comes to take on that shape “permanently” — rather than their default condition of being out of shape “permanently.” That is usually what is not taught in most exercise classes but they teach one the notions of calorie imbalance over the long term — while the body is capable of changing instantly and instantaneously — because that is what muscles do, but they have to be trained to recognize they have that ability.
Being in shape is as much a learned skill as it is just body composition. That composition can be altered by learning how to do it — which most people are not instructed on doing because their physical education instructors have no idea what they are talking about but repeat what they have read in books written by those who presumably do. But all explanations mean nothing if they can’t make a difference.
The most dramatic example are the bodybuilders — but everyone has those capabilities to whatever extent they want to master them. Even some very strong and muscular people haven’t trained their muscles to look in-shape (aestetically pleasing), while much less muscular individuals, can learn to exhibit high degrees of muscle definition — because they make it their objective.
The effect of that contracting is to force out the excess retention of water that is largely responsible for that bloated look and poor circulation — because the heart has little (no) effect on pumping the blood (fluids) back to the heart. That is the weakness of the circulatory system — and not the heart pumping fluids out to the extremities. That’s how the body begins to break down and lose its responsiveness — there are no muscle contractions at the extremities of the body pumping fluids forcefully back to the heart — unless one designs them for that effect.
So the emphasis on heart action is the wrong answer because it is generating a heart-like contraction (full relaxation alternated by a full contraction) that causes that fluid retention (obesity) to go away as it is naturally designed to do. Lacking those effective pumping contractions, the body will retain fluids excessively beginning at the extremities on back towards the center of the body.
Think about it real carefully and deliberately — and with that proper understanding and functioning with it, the obesity problem goes away. The problem is not a lack of effort or will — but a lack of the proper understanding of the functioning of the human body — that selling bogus fitness certificates and apparatus is not going to solve.
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