Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Everything You Do Matters

 Everything you do matters. That is to say that everything has consequences (effects) — whether one knows it at the time or not. The fact that one can get out of bed — or a chair makes a difference — from not being able to do it at all — anymore. The biggest difference is being able to do one — or not being able to do any. Once you do one, then two, and how many others after that — is made possible, because you can do the one. So how one does the one, becomes the prototype for future success — because most movements are the repetition of that one movement — and that practice, makes perfect. That is the economy and efficiency of movement that shapes the body and the psyche.

Those who become the best at it, are the world champions — at whatever they do. Obviously the best at what they do, are not learning it from someone less capable than themselves — and so are essentially self-taught. as well as self-learned — and so that self-discovery and self-actualization is the transformative experience of mastering the art of being one’s best — and that is the whole point of exercise, and not just mindlessly doing what somebody else tells them they must do — often to their own detriment.

That kind of mentoring makes one resentful of everything they are doing — as though self-punishment and self-annihilation is the point. Thus the experience of pain is the gain — which later on in life extinguishes itself because of that negative reinforcement. As one gets older, aches and pain are what one is trying to cure — and not cause, because that is the default in growing older. The cessation of pain and suffering is the major objective of lifelong exercise, and in doing so, optimizes the health, functioning and well-being — and that is the purpose of exercise often lost in the misguided intents — and especially competitions with others for dubious achievements.

If one can simply reach one hundred years of life in healthy condition — with no signs of aging, then that says it all — and there is no need for further contests to determine their fitness. Very rarely does one need to prove their fitness with any arbitrary achievement. In most cases, a formidable presence and appearance is enough to deter attackers who invariably look for the most vulnerable — before engaging in combat or competition. The one who looks and acts like the winner, is usually acknowledged as such.

So at one hundred, it is not necessary to squat 500 lbs — but enough to just look like one could — and move like one can. Not too many people get there with conventional and traditional exercise strategies. So it must be something beyond that — even if one has to pioneer that knowledge themselves for all those to follow. Having observed exercise all my life, what seems to be the key to maintaining full functioning and health is the blood flow to the extremities of the body — which implies the blood flow through the rest of the body in getting there, which produces muscle growth because of optimizing those conditions that enable it — even before they are aware of bodybuilding as a goal in itself.

Many then think that it is the lifting of heavy weights that cause muscle and strength growth — but in time, actually becomes a deterrent to continued participation -- and ultimately the cause of aches and pains rather than its relief and cure. And so they stop exercising entirely — ensuring and speeding their aging deterioration.

As best as I can determine, the best exercise for maintaining the baseline health is sitting in a tripod chair and doing alternate heel raises, while simultaneously articulating the fist movement at the wrist, and turning the head from side to side — as is not practical and dangerous on a regular bicycle — but I nevertheless did on daylong rides on little trafficked country roads to restore the circulation to my hands and head. I frequently do this when I wake up at night and can’t get back to sleep immediately and this allows me to exercise silently and inobtrusively. And when one realizes that it is these subtle movements at the neck, wrists, and ankles that imply the engagement of the rest of the musculature and circulatory system, it can be done  inconspicuously anywhere, anytime, under any conditions, with or without equipment — by properly understanding the functioning of the human body — without all the commercial considerations getting in the way.

Monday, December 09, 2024

Exercising the Brain

 The brain/head responds to physical exercise in the same way that all the other regions of the body do — and even more so because it is the highest priority of the body because it regulates all the other functions of the body. As such, any thinking person would ensure that all the physical exercise strategies would be directed there — above everything else.

One will note that people with lack of brain function also lack head movement — and it is movement that largely determines blood flow — particularly full range head movement that articulates the fullest contraction with the fullest relaxation of that muscle producing that movement. That is why exercise works to increase muscle functioning and development. By creating that alternation of muscular states — just as the heart works unfailingly — it works as a pump, which produces a flow — by alternating the volume of that muscle, which in turn, increases and decreases the pressure — which is the basic principle of fluid dynamics.

All the oxygen and other nutrients don’t matter if they never flow to the places desired for that health and functioning. And while the heart always does its job, that is its job, and should not be expected to do everything else — like powering a 500 lb deadlift, squat or bench press. For that to happen, one would recruit the greater mass of muscles in the body, often comprising one-third of the bodyweight. The heart is only a one pound muscular organ — and to make it work harder and faster is not what produces better outcomes — but engaging the much greater muscular mass — which in many contemporary people these days, does nothing or very little — and thus the atrophying of those organs for lack of that enhanced circulation caused by those regular (rhythmic) muscular contractions.

Thus one notices that the particular vulnerabilities of the body are at its extremities — which are the feet, hands and head — in which the lack of optimal circulation produces the accumulations we note as inflammation (edema, lymphedema, lipedema, arthritis, neuropathy, etc.) The obvious and simple remedy is simply to effect those rhythmic contractions in some kind of conventional and familiar exercise — but even more effectively, just intentionally effect those alternating muscular states expressly for the purpose of the circulatory effect. That would be a 21st century understanding of the effectiveness of exercise — rather than the muddled understanding most have of it, no matter how fancy the jargon and explanations get — or how costly the wonder supplements are.

It is as simple as understanding the basics of flow — just as in the basics of understanding the functioning of life. Without the proper circulation, there is no health and optimal development, and at its most rudimentary level, there is no life at all, or decreasing functionality. The full range movement of the head, from left to right, and up and down, is the first indication of how well the brain is actually functioning — because of that effectiveness of movement and circulation. Yet that obviousness is almost never tested — and so the lack of proper functioning of the brain and head is not detected until too late. It is also the same with feet and hands that need to be amputated — because that functioning is already cut off as dead tissues threatening remaining tissue.

We know the compromised hand as weakened grip strength, and the weakened foot as the swollen feet, but think there is nothing amiss when the neck muscles obviously atrophy — and beyond that lies the brain. How much effective circulation must it be getting — if the development is caused by the enhanced, optimal flow? And the thing to understand about effective blood flow, is that it is caused by the contraction back towards the heart — rather than the heart forcing blood into already filled volumes — as is the present misunderstanding and why exercise does not work for many people. The understanding (paradigm) is entirely wrong about the heart being the prime mover in human action.

The heart’s role by being reliable, is to provide a constant ambient pressure — just as externally, the atmospheric pressure is a constant, ambient pressure — so that once the breathing compression (contraction) is relaxed, air merely flows into a lower pressure volume. That is also key to understanding the flow (circulation) throughout the body — and why some areas of the body develop and function well — while others languish for that lack of optimal conditions. One sees that immediately when the eyes light up — in response to that difference. Obviously, there is something going on in the brain and head that wasn’t happening in lieu of such movements. That is the brain operating on oxygen — and the other nutrients brought by effective, enhanced, optimal blood flow — which affects all the functioning of the body.

That is the critical path and role of the brain in every body — that is usually taken for granted as being “optimal.” And instead, the focus is misplaced to the functioning and measurement of the heart — with the presumption that it too is operating “optimally.” But wishing it were so, doesn’t make it so. The poor condition of the neck is not the inevitable fate of growing old, but of the atrophying of the neck circulation that affects the circulation to that area and organs. To some extent, it is automatic — but it can be made much more effective and optimal — especially when there is a deficiency or decline in functioning. That is the role and function of proper use and exercise — enhanced by the better understanding of this process. It works on every body part of the body — because that is how life evolved, and continues to improve.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Quick and Easy Complete Core Workout

 Quick and easy Complete core workout:

1) Lying flat on the back, legs straight, squeeze (contract) the gluteus muscle 50 times.

2) Lying flat on the back, knees bent with feet close to hips, leading with the head, move knees to one side, then back to the other side for count of 50.

3) Lying flat on the back, knees bent with feet close to hips, lift hips 50 reps -- by contracting abdominal muscles.

Develops all the muscles of the of the hip and groin region -- eliminating back pain, pot belly, hip adductor and abductor muscles (side to side).  

Recommended for first thing before getting out of bed -- or on a thick mat for comfort.

The recommended movements in the article or videos recommended traditionally and conventionally are likely to cause pain and discomfort rather than relief and optimize circulation.  Done daily, it will develop the "core" muscles so problematical for most.

The problem with most recommended "core" muscle exercises is that rather than relieving the pain that most are advised to do them for, they cause pain and discourage people from performing them -- especially because they are not getting the results promised for them -- evoking pain because they require a lot of visible movement.  The trick with strengthening the core muscles of the hip girdle, is requiring minimal movement while obtaining maximal contraction -- which is best achieved when there is no weight-bearing requirement of the extremities.

So leg and foot lifts requiring maximum movement of the extremities are not the designed strength and use of the "core" muscles of the torso but stability and strength -- produced by the compaction of these muscles rather than the lifting of the leg -- which does not even produce the greatest contraction of the core (anchoring) muscles.  Although the deadlift and squats are frequently highly recommended for building the muscles of the hip and back -- in its fullest contraction (finished) position, the gluteus muscle is always relaxed -- rather than fully and optimally contracted.  This ultimate contraction, is only possible if there is no load on the spine -- and thus the gluteus muscle can attain its fullest contraction while the spine is allowed to fully extend because there is no weight-bearing load.

As long as the thigh bone moves forward and up, the gluteus muscle cannot contract -- nor can it be fully contracted in a bone on bone lockout as the finished position of a deadlift or squat requires.  For the gluteus -- as well as the spinal erector muscles to be fully contracted, and thus optimize the blood flow to this area, the spine has to be arched as far as possible without any load precluding that range of movement.

Only then, will the gluteus achieve maximal contraction as is desired because it is the largest, most powerful contracting muscle in the body -- affecting the flow to the lower part of the body that most people find problematical -- particularly as they get older and those problems accumulate and exacerbate.  That is the awful feeling of being "cut off" at the hips -- because that essential connection is not maintained at optimal levels of functioning and development.  But the answer is not just to double-down on one's upper body exercises and ignore the lower portion of one's body -- but to restore that functioning to its proper understanding and why it frequently remains the weak link of one's body.

A little bit of the "right" thing produces miraculous results -- while any amount of the wrong thing may not only not produce the desired results, but may be the cause of the further aggravation of that problem -- even as much as it is universally recommended -- with the lack of overwhelming and convincing success.

The right thing is instantly recognizable as such -- especially if the very measure of its effectiveness is whether it produces the fullest contraction possible -- which determines the flow into and out of that area.  That contraction also shapes the muscle, and done enough times, develops the muscle-memory of that muscle to do what it has been conditioned to do -- unfailingly and efficiently.  That is the role of practice and conditioning -- to become even better at doing what is beneficial and advantageous to do.  Instead of having no idea what to do with all one's equipment and capabilities.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Fitness for Life

  Effective exercise is not dependent on equipment — but the proper understanding of the human body. The body is designed to move — particularly at the head, hands and feet — and all other movements and functioning, is designed to support those movements. What places humans at the top of the evolutionary scale is a uniquely large brain, a tool-manipulating hand, and a foot that allows for upright posture — so that their senses are as high as possible for maximum effectiveness. Logically, those developments and skills should be the highest priority in considering self-improvement — and everything else goes along for the ride.

However, in most exercise programs, they are ignored entirely — or taken for granted that nothing can be done to improve them — when it should be obvious to the observant and thoughtful individual, is that those are the features that ultimately differentiates the exceptional from the ineffective. Most people aren’t even aware of that fact because all they see is the gross movement rather than the fine motor movement — of the head, hands and feet. But that’s what really makes the difference — whether throwing a rock, spear or ball — or jumping high and running fast — or being more aware than the person who only has their head down looking at a single spot, and so has no idea of what is going on around them — and can select the most appropriate action. That is what fitness is ultimately all about — most critically in primitive times, but just as importantly in modern times.

Most people have lost that connection — or never had it brought to their attention. They were just told to do this or that — which they blindly obeyed because the other was bigger than them — or simply more demanding of them. And so unfortunately, that is the limit of most people’s understanding of why they do anything. That’s also what “everybody” says they must do also — even if they don’t get the desired results — or find it impossible to do. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen instruction videos informing people that if they do what is impossible for them to do presently, they will be in wonderful shape and condition eventually. The trick then, is getting from here to there. But as many admit, you can’t get there from here. So of course, that is not helpful.

Realizing this important any time in life — but more so as one becomes increasingly aged and debilitated, but often is what it takes to try another way that might work — out of sheer desperation, if nothing else. Often, that is what it takes for people to make meaningful and impactful changes in their lives. Otherwise, they just go on doing what isn’t working — because they have the time, energy and money to spare. But then when they don’t have such reserves, they have to make the most of what they actually have — even getting down to the absolute basics.

The value of all movement is that it increases the blood flow to the muscle actually moved — in addition to the action of the heart muscle to provide for a constant and reliable flow — or outward pressure from the center. The problem is the lack of pressure and flow back towards the center — that is effected by the rhythmic contractions at the extremities. In the absence of exercise equipment designed for that purpose, the articulation of movement at the wrists, ankles, and neck — determines the muscular state. That is achieved not by resistance — but by range of movement — and so by articulating the fullest range of movement at the furthest extremities determines the circuit (extent) of effectiveness.

If all one does is increase the work of the heart, then the rest of the skeletal muscles are not engaged in increasing the flow but actually is the resistance to the flow (circulation). That is the troubling design of most equipment designed to increase the work of the heart — while moving very little else in the body — and particularly, at the hands, feet and head. Those remain immobile — and thus, largely unaffected. That remains the problem — throughout life — because that is where the fluids accumulate and are not flushed out by the vigorous action of deliberate muscle contractions at those axes of movement (rotation).

The heart does its job by filling in any space that is vacated by the contractions (compression) from the extremities but cannot overcome the fluid remaining because of the lack of those contractions — which is the problem of modern life that requires no such contractions to sustain life at its most primitive and basic level. That was the kind of movements required to sustain life. One had to be successful at throwing the spear to stay alive — and to eat. It was not enough just to get their heart rate up. That would have happened just by being in a precarious situation of life or death. Fortunately, we live in times and conditions that don’t require that everyday struggle for survival — but instead, live in an abundance of food and leisure — requiring very little exertion and effort from us — unless we deliberately program it into our lives as the person we wish to be.

That is the significance of bodybuilding — that most people have no idea they have the power to do — as the most important thing to do. Unlike “competitive” bodybuilding, it can be extremely personal and unique to each individual’s aspiration of themselves and their own unique ideal of what beauty, aesthetics and usefulness is. But it has to have some basis in reality and functionality — that is distinctly meaningful and useful. That bottom line for most, is taking care of oneself — so that everybody else doesn’t have to do that for them. Such societies are less than zero-sum games — and will impoverish all — as each requires more care and resources than each individual can produce to sustain for the continuance of that society, and beyond that, abundance, prosperity and happiness.

Otherwise, they reach an old age and wonder, “How did I get into such a hopeless condition?” — and think there is no other way than the one that has failed for ages with no alternatives in sight — because they fail to address the critical failures of the aged — at the head, hands and feet. There are a lot of people whose hearts continue to beat — but show no movement at the head, hands and feet — that are indicative of a vital and vibrant human being. That is what we call responsiveness — or if you like — fitness that lasts as long as one lives. It is a matter of the right priorities and order of importance.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Understanding the Importance and Effect of Physical Exercise

 Movement increases and directs blood flow. It does so by the overriding great principle of our environment — that pressure is inversely related to volume — which is to observe, that as a muscle mass contracts, the pressure within increases — and so flows into an area with lower pressure, and that is the principle that accounts for flow, or liquid dynamics. To a limited extent, that is what happens whether one realizes it or not — or even babies would not survive for long, but they invariably do — but quickly, some do it quite naturally better than others — and become healthier and more robust than others — in the struggle and quest for survival, and beyond that dominance and mastery of their environments.

The more robust individuals exhibit more, and more powerful movements, which cause their greater blood flow that enables health and growth — because movement is caused by the contraction of the muscles. That is what they are evolved to do. The best example is the function of the heart muscle — that reliably contracts and relaxes so as to provide a reliable pump for which the rest of the body can rely on -- automatically, or autonomously — so that one doesn’t have to think about it 24/7. It will reliably do what it has to do — relying on the signal it gets from the brain about its requirements — particularly the availability of oxygen that the brain is most sensitive to.

That also to some extent, is automatic — but can be enhanced by a greater flow of nutrients into it — mainly caused not by the heart working harder and faster, but by the local (voluntary) muscles contracting and increasing the flow out of that organ and tissues back towards the central organs of the body — including the heart as well as the filtering and recycling organs of the body (liver, kidneys, lungs, digestive tract, etc.) That contraction of those muscles, creates the compression of fluids out of those tissues — that upon relaxation, creates a vacuum for new fluids to flow into — by the reliable contractions of the heart and other autonomous muscles.

But the muscles we have direct, voluntary control of are the large, skeletal, voluntary muscles, which we generally refer to as exercise, and are even more empowered with the proper understanding of its basic functioning and design. Skeletal muscles always contract from the farthest point back towards the center of the body just below the sternum, that the ancient Chinese called the dantian, or anchor of the muscles along the five meridians (pathways) of human movement and expression. No matter what activity or sport, the expression is always at the head, hands and feet — even if one is not aware of those fine movements. It is usually called the “follow through,” rather than more accurately, the leading edge of that movement.

The former implies that the contraction (rotation) around those axes are an afterthought — rather than the whole point of that movement. It is like shooting a basketball — and realizing that only the proper rotation at the wrist will produce the desired accuracy and outcome — and not to rotate at the wrist, will not produce the desired effect. However, that does not prevent exercise instructors from creating movements that have no practicality in the real world — despite becoming proficient at the contrived movement. The most common of these, is to focus the movement around the larger, supporting “core” muscles rather than the ultimate expression and full rotation at the head, hands and feet.

The reason this is important is because the contraction at that focus is the extent to which the tissues are compressed and effect the flow and the evacuation of the residual fluids in those tissues, which is the inflammation and swelling associated with poor health and appearance because those fluids are retained in those tissues, and over time, kill off the neuromusculature it serves in a spiraling deterioration of function and development — generally noted as being “out of shape.” At that point, the development and appearance convey that one is not in optimal health and condition.

By then, the functioning has also declined dramatically — so that the general impression is one of failing health and inability to do what they would like to do — as an indication that one is at their prime — at whatever age and circumstances. But it is not enough simply to want to be in their best shape — to make it so, or obviously everybody would be in that condition. Far more important is simply doing all the right things that make such an outcome inevitable — by first understanding what those things are. Unfortunately, that is not how exercise is generally taught. It is usually just advised if not commanded, that one must do this and that — without any understanding or questioning of what is actually being done, and so many people are rightly turned off by that approach — and will accept any other fate but that blind obedience to the will of authoritarian personalities.

That is not a necessary requirement of such participation in healthful activities — although such instructors will insist it is — or will abandon such regimen at their first opportunity. But if one has the proper understanding of what and why one is doing, then nothing makes more sense to do — as long as they live and want to be better. At no point in life would a rational person think, “I’m done, no sense getting better — that is the way it must be,” and then lie motionless waiting for the end.

Monday, November 04, 2024

When More Isn't Working

  The problem with Negative Accentuated or the slow-lowering of the weight is that it's not natural movement -- and most people experience it that way, and so discontinue that method of training. Undoubtedly what it does do is make the body prematurely fail -- but that failure is not caused by pure muscle failure -- but by cardiovascular failure -- and that is seen in all the videos claiming to be high-intensity training -- by everyone, including Arthur Jones. That was also the problem with Isometric training -- causing the vasalva effect -- as well as when lifters pass out from heavy deadlifts or squats.

That is the natural and predictable result of not breathing when one artificially resists the natural work of gravity -- in lowering the weight. That's why the human body will sense that it is the wrong thing to do -- because the intelligent thing to do, is allow gravity to perform that work whenever possible -- while positioning oneself in each rep -- by getting into the relaxed position as much as possible -- preparatory to the next positive movement. The relaxation is just as critical as the contraction -- but if one is contracting as hard or even harder in the relaxation phase of a movement -- then there is no alternating relaxation/contraction cycle -- that not only performs work, but enables the optimal respiration and circulation (flow) that enables functioning and development.

Most of the bodybuilders who got into it around the '50-'60s were told by Bob Hoffman of Strength and Health, and Perry Rader of Iron Man, to begin their workouts with light squats alternated by light pullovers -- and most made unexpectedly fantastic gains doing so. What they did right was time their movement to the natural rhythm of their breath -- exhaling to lift the weight, and inhaling as they lowered the weight. But if one resists the lowering of the weight, one invariably has to stop breathing (inhaling) -- which is the natural result of relaxation and the expansion of the chest cavity.

The distinguishing feature of "high-intensity training" is the elimination of rest between one set of each exercise -- and the easiest way to achieve that is to do one set of 50 repetitions with a weight allowing one to do so -- with no rest between exercises. In this manner, one can achieve muscle failure without the cardiovascular failure -- as each muscle pre-exhausts the next, and achieves complete exhaustion in about an hour. That usually requires one week to fully recover -- accounting for the infrequency requirement. The trick then is recovering from extreme muscular soreness -- which can best be alleviated by doing those movements with no weight at all -- but rotating (contracting) at the head, hands and feet which are the insertions at the most distal parts of the body to effect a flow to remove the inflammation, while producing the void to allow new nutrients into those tissues.

This is particularly helpful for older bodybuilders who no longer experience growth and may even be experiencing decline (sarcopenia) despite their efforts. They have to upgrade their understanding of the process -- because more of what isn't working, is not the answer.

Monday, October 28, 2024

A Brief History of Bodybuilding

  Back in the ’50s and ’60s — often regarded as the Golden Era of Bodybuilding — almost all trainees would begin their sessions with high repetition (light weight) squats alternated with light breathing pullovers — because those were the exercises promoted by the publishers of the two leading magazines at the time on the subject — Bob Hoffman of Strength and Health, and Perry Rader of Iron Man. The other leading publications, were those of Joe Weider, who insisted on naming everything after himself — whether it was exercise, a principle, a supplement, a piece of equipment, etc. Obviously, bodybuilding did not begin and end with him, but he made it seem so with his tireless self-promotion of his brand and products.

That was how a lot of people got around to thinking that they had to take a certain supplement if they wanted any gains at all — rather than that the exercises themselves had this transformative power. Many articles on bodybuilding will even claim that bodybuilding is 90% diet and nutrition — and only 10% exercise — or what one is actually doing. And then when people are at the gym, believe that all the resting, talking on their phone, loading and unloading plates, getting the right equipment in preparation for their exercise, takes up another 90% of that time — and wonder why they get zero results, and even putting on more excess weight despite taking so many supplements and drinking so much water — that leads them to believe that “exercise” doesn’t work.

The fact of the matter is that they aren’t exercising — if they actually run the tape of them actually exercising — or what they think they are doing — or are focused on all the wrong things — like weight and reps — rather than the proper form in any movement, and before that, understanding why they are doing what they are doing. The value of exercise is that one is optimizing the respiration and circulation that provides for optimal health and functioning — which is not automatic, but has to be cultivated by understanding, practice, and exercise. Then one inevitably and invariably gets results — and not just does the same thing over and over again with no or little results, and thinks that is the best that can be hoped for — in a life of futility and disappointment.

As soon as one makes any effort, the respiration and circulation will go up — because the body is hardwired to support it. That is the constant; the variable is what one does to change it — which in this case is the exercise. But one does not change the constant — which is the fallacious understanding of that process and relationship. What one has in lung capacity and heart functioning, is what one has to learn to work with and optimize — rather than desiring it is otherwise.

For most people, what they have is underutilized — because it is improperly understood. With such a simple thing as breathing, it is generally thought that that is effected by the action of the diaphragm — which by itself has little impact — compared to the much larger impact of varying the chest volume deliberately and directly — which is what the exercise of the pullover does better than any others — either straight-arm or bent-arm with a light weight that enables the maximum articulation of its greatest extremes. That would be the greatest expansion alternated with its greatest compression of the chest volume — that houses the lungs, because that is breathing, or the exchange of the air within the lungs with the air in the environment — under atmospheric pressure.

Once that exchange is optimized, than the resulting circulation by the heart will have a life and health enhancing effect with all the other organs, tissues, and cells of the body — as much as possible. The most basic understanding of this process is what is achieved in CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). If breathing is caused by the diaphragm, then the obvious approach would be to press on the stomach — affecting the diaphragm more than the chest — but that is not what is done. Instead, we alter the volume of the chest by compressions — and then let the atmospheric pressure refill that void.

No other movement (exercise) does that as dramatically and effectively as the pullover — because that is what it is focused on doing — and every other movement and activity — does it much less directly and deliberately — mainly as an afterthought when the breathing is struggling to catch up with the effort. The far easier thing to do is to adjust all one’s activities to the breathing, and in doing so, the breathing rhythm and efficiency will just effortlessly increase — so that one can continue all day if required to. That is the nature of work for most of human existence — that kind of persistence over time — rather than the one and done of single attempts. That is the classic lesson of the turtle and the hare — or the person still living healthily — as opposed to the reckless young person going out in a blaze of glory — or so they think.

Lots of young people are very competitive — but much fewer are competitive or even viable at an older age — and so the question even the older bodybuilders ask, is how they can still remain at their peak as long as they live, and not just relive their glory years in their memories and fading thoughts? A common report by older bodybuilders that no longer show responsiveness even while exercising as much as they did when they were young, is that they no longer experience “the pump” — and it was the pump that was responsible for their muscle growth during their most productive periods in bodybuilding.

That is largely because over the years, their heads have been crammed so full of extraneous thoughts that they lose the connection to the simple and obvious. It wasn’t the equipment, supplements, or sophisticated explanations or even drugs that produced that effectiveness — but that simple naivety they had as young adolescents picking up a magazine and wondering if it was really true that such simple and basic exercises could actually make such a difference. If it did, they would do it religiously — but then, over the course of the years, it all became more complicated, and many lost their way — in everything marketed to them — the treadmills, the machines, the heart monitors, the supplements, the glamour and of course, the drugs.

But as my friend and mentor Arthur Jones claimed in 1970, you only need two exercises to work most of the major muscles of the body (shoulder and hip girdle) — the Pullover and the Hip and Back machine, but where most people got it wrong using them, was to think that its primary purpose was for lifting as much weight as possible — rather than in circumscribing the positions in which the muscle could be fully contracted and fully relaxed — and that created the greatest pump, or flow — as the objective in itself — and that is what keeps the body at maximal health throughout life. To which I observed, the most important places that one should maintain that optimal flow is to the head, hands and feet — where the human body breaks down first because of this lack of circulatory effect. That is the work not of the heart, but of the muscles at the extremity to clear space for the heart to do its work — easily and effortlessly — in contracting (compressing) the residual fluids (edema, lymphedema, lipedema), out of it. But as he dismissed, you don’t need to build a machine to exercise the head, hands and feet. They already rotate around a single axis.