Sunday, February 16, 2020

Seeing the Obvious

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to recognize when someone is in obviously declining health -- as well as recognize the exceptional few who are becoming more robust and vital.  One can see it in their posture, body language, expression and articulation of the most visible parts of their body -- which is the head (face and neck), hands and feet.

That deterioration is often mistaken as the product of age -- rather than consequences of neglect and disrepair.  It doesn't take a cosmetologist to recognize that almost everyone can be dramatically transformed using care and products that optimize the appearance of those most highly visible areas -- but always beginning with a base foundation of health and inner dynamism.

Of course the present political correctness is that there is no difference between good health and bad, left and right, up and down, black or white, male or female -- and so it is futile to try to make any difference.  It is considered merely luck that some are rich, and some are poor, and nothing one can do will ever change that -- as though that manner of thinking was some kind of intellectual genius.

For the rest of us, we recognize that what we do influences our outcomes and experiences -- and not that we just want to be "right" -- despite all evidence to the contrary.  There is a reason things don't work as they think it ought to -- and that is because everything they know, and refuse to learn anything else, is just plain wrong -- no matter how much they believe they are right.

It is not age that tells -- but time -- doing either the right things, or doing the wrong things -- that differentiates.  It doesn't merely come out the same -- no matter what one does.  That is the hardest thing for most people to accept -- that the reasons things come out badly, is because they're badly mistaken -- and that is the consequence.  But it doesn't have to be that way -- the inevitable, no matter what one does -- or usually just gives up in that despair.

That happy outcome and result, may require one to change all they currently do and believe -- to achieve the better life.  In fact, that is the inescapable story of every successful human being -- that they had to completely reinvent their lives -- even dying completely to the old, in order to be reborn in an entirely unprecedented new world and life -- nobody could even have imagined before.

But it's not enough just to do it in one small and isolated aspect of life -- but to change wholly and totally, in every aspect of their being.  That is a profound change, and not simply one small modification -- while everything else remains largely unchanged -- which is really, no change at all.  And that is why most people fail to change -- because they demand that everything else, remain the same -- and that is not possible.  When there is real change, of course everything will change -- because that is the very nature of life and reality, and the story of evolution and change.

Thus those aspiring to wealth, are misguided in demanding that everybody else remain the same -- except for themselves.  Either everyone becomes richer, or nobody does -- the same as now.  So one can only hope that the tide raises all boats, or everybody remains stuck in the mud.  That's simply how the world works -- and nobody single-handedly, and unilaterally, gets all the good, and leaving the bad for everyone else less entitled.

So one needs to have this much larger picture of life, for anything to make greater sense -- and be inevitable.  It is not the struggle of the little to become the big, or the weak to become the strong, but for all to make a greater sense beyond the petty struggles of one against every other -- and each individual's ambition to overcome all the others -- by ruthless force.  That's been tried many times before -- and has not worked.

In the field of exercise, such a mentality is still being cultivated and enforced -- with no success of achieving health to the very end.  At best, a few delude themselves that they are still as they were 50 years ago -- and mistakenly believe that simply by doing the same things, they will get the same results -- which is obviously not true.  Yet few think to change -- radically, to solve the challenges of their present conditions.  They think it is enough simply to do what they did 50 years ago -- despite how much everything else has changed, including their own bodies.

And it is not that their bodies no longer work well -- but that they have not bothered to learn how it is working now, and program for those capabilities and enhancement.  The body still works -- but very differently now even if it worked before -- but the new possibility, is that it can work even better than before -- with a better understanding of it.  That would indicate that one was older and wiser -- and not simply thinking that forcing something that isn't working, or doesn't fit beyond its breaking point -- is the only thing possible.

Obviously when the heart is the only organ that seems to be working, the last thing any intelligent person would think to do is force it to work even harder -- rather than recognizing that the other organs, is what one wishes to engage and optimize.  Why would one think that the only well-functioning unit is the problem -- except of course, it is the easiest part to "fix" -- which is like looking for the lost keys where the light is best, rather than in the darkness where one dropped it?

That is the approach one needs to take with any problem-solving -- and work on the weakest link and critical failure -- rather than polishing the chrome on the space shuttle.  It is those who can best see these real needs, who discover the great inventions -- and not the many trying to reinvent the wheel.  And that is why most exercise does not work -- in preventing people from going into the hopeless decline they attribute to "aging" -- by which they mean, nothing can be done about it.  Yet they don't move on, and try to discover another way that specifically and directly addresses the notable failing at the head, hands and feet -- and merely try to strengthen and work the heart, as though that was its singular failing.

It is the articulation at the head, hands and feet, that are notably absent in those of poor health -- and not that the heart needs to work harder.  That is the failure to understand circulation properly -- which is the major effect of exercise -- that optimizes the functioning and development to anywhere that is directed.  That effect is best achieved not by making the heart work harder, but by the contraction of the muscles at the extremities  -- that pump (compress) blood back to the heart and organs of recycling and revitalization.  That is the fountain of youth resident in each body -- when understood in that way.

That is the key to ridding the body of the old -- and renewing itself.  Otherwise, the old cells and material just accumulate in the body -- eventually causing it to become overloaded with the old cells, and their toxins, destroying whatever remnants of responsiveness remains -- until it is overwhelmed with debris and dysfunction.  But that is not an inevitable process and development -- but the failure to see the big picture and significance of everything one is doing.

There's a reason why things happen -- even if we prefer not to see it.  In short, if you're not getting the results you want -- it's not because of age -- but you're doing all the wrong things -- and that won't get you there.  No way, no how, no time -- but doing all the right things, will.  It's always been that way -- no matter how many certificates testify to their credibility.  They simply have no idea what they are talking about -- and that is why what they are doing, doesn't work.  Age is just an excuse -- for doing all the wrong things with impunity -- no matter how much one wishes it were so.  That should be obvious -- and is manifested.  It is that lack of understanding things properly -- that manifests in time.  That is the reality of the situation.  Everything else works fine.

When there is a problem, denial is not a solution.

Saturday, February 01, 2020

You Have to do all the Right things -- because doing all the Wrong things, won't make any difference

Unfortunately, many do all the wrong things -- thinking they will get the same results as though they were doing all the right things -- and think just because they do them, it will turn out with the desired, favorable results.  Instead, they find that things are snowballing even farther out of control -- and even threatening their future viability, and prospects for survival. 

Yet they are certain that if they just persist in doing all the wrong things, God in His merciful wisdom, will make things come out right -- because that is what He is for, and not that they can do anything themselves to change that.  So they pray to all the gods, but they don't seem to be listening -- or care.  Their entreaties fall on deaf ears -- and the seas do not part before them -- providing a clear path to the Promised Land.  Instead, they are stuck in the muck, and everyone is lost.

They all went down believing -- until the end -- thinking things would turn out differently, just because they wanted them to.

Life does not work out that way; it is unmerciful in finding out a way that works -- with or without you.  That evolution marches on.  Not all will survive; even those that do, don't live forever.  They merely have their time on the stage for a while -- and then a whole new bunch of strangers take over -- and have their time and place.  Nobody stays front and center forever. 

But that is not the only game in town.  There are a lot of nooks and crannies unexplored -- of which one can be the foremost expert -- the most obvious of which is the advice to know oneself.  Very few others will be interested and motivated to do that as each person in their own lives -- and that is not nothing, but really, the only thing that matters.  Everybody is different -- but maximizing that potential -- is the great challenge of every life, and in doing that, one may discover many other things -- others can benefit from as well.

The great quest of every life is intensely personal in this way -- beginning near to go far.  If one thinks one knows anything, it obviously must work for themselves first -- and that is always an excellent place to start.  To speculate about everybody else without first knowing oneself to even some degree -- is not having a place to stand on from which to lever that knowledge to a meaningful extent.  Why should others have to prove it first that one's ideas are sound enough to work -- when the original author of such a thought, doesn't believe it enough to try it themselves -- and prove to the world that it works -- before wasting everybody else's time and resources?

That's what everybody wants to see -- what works -- and not hear all the explanations why things don't work, or that it would work, but we can't get anybody to do them.  That's a huge part of the equation.  It has to be something that everybody, or even anybody can do -- and not just be a wonderful theory and hypothesis that can never be proven, or worse yet, doesn't have to be proven.  Then we get into the realm of "mad science" -- where everything is possible, but nobody can ever prove anything.  In other words, it is just an unquestioned belief that nobody dares to test -- for fear of actually finding out.  It is much more convenient just to convince everybody else that that is true -- and ostracize those who will not go along with the mob.

So the issue is no longer what is right and wrong, but which group has the bigger mob to enforce their consensus and correctness -- with of course, themselves at the top of the hierarchy.  That's all they're there for -- to get to the top, and once there, have no intention of upsetting the apple cart.  They like it fine -- being in charge.  Henceforth, all their efforts will go towards defending and preserving the status quo -- with themselves at the top, or sufficiently high enough to feel a vested interest in keeping the way things are -- even if the problems get worse.  That concern, they feel, is not their job.

So of course they miss the whole point -- as they see the rest of the world pass them by and render them irrelevant.  They're not going to try to keep up -- but instead, prevent everyone else from getting ahead -- especially ahead of themselves.  That is some people's idea of a job -- and meaning and purpose in this world -- to stamp out progress at every turn, and ensure that the world they grew up in -- endlessly repeats itself.

Meanwhile, the mass of humanity marches on -- with or without them.  Right now, that would be extending the useful life of human beings to 100 -- in good shape and condition, which hasn't been done before.  People begin falling apart after 50, and even 40 -- in addition to the many who do not get a proper start in life at all, and are imploding from early ages because of improper lifestyle, diet and exercise that doesn't optimize the health and well-being at any age.  Many such dysfunctional people are even proud of their premature self-destruction -- as though that was a badge of honor and distinction.  So when they go into irreversible decline -- that is quite predictable, and one would not expect anything else.  They are the walking time-bombs just waiting to go off.

One does what they can to be as far removed when they do.