Sunday, January 27, 2008

Overcoming "The Resistance"

The mantra of exercise developers in the recently concluded century, was the need to develop “resistance” as a necessary requirement for work to be done (measured) productively, and so it was thought by simple-minded people, that simply producing the greatest resistance, produced the greatest results -- overlooking the logical extreme of such a conclusion, that maximum resistance, makes any movement (work) impossible, and ultimately, extremely hazardous to one’s health.

Machine-makers therefore touted that the productivity and value of their machines, was that it provided “the greatest resistance throughout the full range of that movement,” not considering that those conditions, limited the range of movement actually possible to achieve, in which it could be always noted, that the extreme ranges of motion itself, provided its own resistance to even further movement, and so the range of resistance, was not in fact, the fullest range of movement of the muscle but actually the machine.

The fullest range of movement, must inevitably result in the greatest muscular contraction and relaxation -- while the range of resistance, will always be limited to a fraction of its actual fullest range of movement. For fitness purposes, the range of movement, is much more important than strength and proficiency over a very limited range of total possible movement.

This becomes more apparent as people age or deteriorate in their abilities. Their range of movement decreases -- and not so much a proficiency over a narrow and constricted range -- which is often the range which is measured as the only thing of significance, resulting in a deceptive and erroneous indication of one’s actual health and fitness, which should be obvious in their appearance.

For this reason, many people who put in extremely heavy workloads of exercise, often look to be in terrible condition, except that they can put out heavy workloads of effort -- with very little apparent, visible results. Such people are even conditioned to believe that how they look, has no relation to how fit they are -- which is like believing that world champions don’t look like world champions even before they attempt anything.

Most competitive athletes rely on those obvious visual cues as the person most likely to be the one who will be the winner in their event.

Form produces that function, and vice versa. Only in the so-called “fitness” world, is nothing related to any other reality, which is an indication that such “experts” have absolutely no idea of what they are talking about.

They think that reality must conform to their theories, rather than that their theories must conform to the realities of one’s experiences in order to be meaningful and significant. But then, that would be science -- and not just wishful-thinking, which is what they think makes anything so.

When one goes beyond the thought to actually meet reality, one encounters the full range of actuality.


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