Happy New You!
The easier and most effective way to change the world, is just to change yourself -- and not, as many ineffective and destructive people think, to change everything and everybody else -- while thinking that changing themselves is impossible and much more arduous and difficult. The world one experiences is largely a projection of the person they are. The healthy person is a person who views the world as one that works -- while those in poor health and condition, thinks nothing in the world works and is beautiful. And so they are constantly trying to change what is into something else rather than accepting the reality of what is -- first.
That will always be the source of their unhappiness -- this attitude that they ought to be changing themselves and the world into something other than it is -- without first discovering what it is. Maybe in that discovery, they will understand why they, and things, are as they are. That is the bias of the destructive force of ideological history -- that things are not fine as they are, that there is a reason things are as they are, and what needs to be done is to first understand what they are -- before trying to change it into something else!
It may be, that things are better than one could conceive and design them to be already. And if not, the very understanding of the actuality of the situation, has more value than one’s wishful-thinking of what he would like them to be, how they should be, which often sends one off on a wild-goose chase one may consume their whole lives in -- before realizing at the end,” I chased the bird in the bush (to no avail) and threw away those I had in hand (one‘s health).”
In this way, many will sacrifice their health and well-being for an idea of “happiness,” they think they should be pursuing -- with the obvious effect on their lives, that it is destroying their life, health and happiness. Still, the culture and institutions around them seem to be encouraging them on in their hysteria to continue in hot pursuit of power, fame and fortune without end. So always, there is simply the unsatiated need for “More,” that keeps them spinning their wheels, and trudging the treadmill of endless striving. They have convinced themselves, that no matter how much they already have, it is not enough, and there will never be enough.
In contemporary life, complacency is not as great a problem as the absence of contentment and fulfillment that can be -- when there is the recognition that too much energy is going towards what can never be satisfied and no energy is being directed to that which would be highly beneficial and productive -- which is what one already has and has going for them. The focus is only on the cup not filled, which grows increasingly infinite -- while the cup full is never allowed to be tasted and enjoyed.
That is the disease of contemporary life -- that no matter how much one has, there is only the need for more, what is not, and never the understanding and appreciation of what is.
That is where one should begin the year, and each day of one’s life, beginning with the present moment.