Thinking Differently
If one ignores most of the crises manufactured to keep an audience, the really BIG problem for the foreseeable future, is the rising tide of obesity and overconsumption, that left unaddressed, threatens the quality of life so none of the other measures are meaningful.
The answer for most, is not cosmetic surgery -- when most people have the capacity to shape their own appearances to a remarkable degree -- that they have never been taught, and may have even been discouraged from expressing. How many young people have been told to “wipe that smile off their faces,” to suppress their delight at anything? Eventually they lose that capacity for healthy expression -- building layers about themselves to hide their true feelings.
The plasticity of the human body is the musculature, that properly and deliberately trained, give the pleasing shape people desire to be in -- that is immediately accessible to those informed they have that capacity already. No matter how out of shape people appear to be in, they are not entirely devoid of muscles. Their muscles are just not “educated” and trained to be in the shape they want to be in -- and they have no idea of how that process works.
Invariably in the discussion, one produces a “black box” if when purchased and used faithfully, produces the results one is hoping for, and nothing that is immediately self-evident. That has been the tradition of physical education in the past -- largely a belief system in which if one does this, something miraculous transpires in six months or a year -- but never now, in the present moment -- which of course is ridiculous, because movement is a self-evident truth.
In the same way that competitive bodybuilders can shape themselves into the form that meets the judge’s approval, most people have the capacity to achieve a more modest transformation of appearing to be in shape -- or at least in the best shape they can envision. A lot aren’t, because nobody has ever given them permission to assume that posture -- as most of the people around them will be quite happy to deride their every effort for a high self-regard.
In particularly hierarchic cultures, this kind of self-nullification, is demanded -- and the whole purpose of their organization and activities, is just to reinforce who is boss. And so the postures assumed by all those in the organization, are those with a beaten down, bloated postures -- signifying no threat to the dominant person.
No amount of “exercise” is going to reverse that body language -- and what it says about that culture and personalities. Usually, they become their own worst victims -- with every dog looking to kick somebody lower on the totem pole. The epiphany is mistaking one as weaker who is actually stronger but doesn’t express the usual displays of dominance and superiority -- just as a show.
That distinction is being in shape as opposed to proving, and displaying one is so with certain actions. The discerning eye can make that distinction -- without the wastage of energy.