Exercising For Life
On the occasion of the recent death of Arthur Jones, creator of the Nautilus machines, I received a communication from my old friend Dr. Ken Leistner, now regarded as the best writer on continuing the ideas in that vein of High Intensity Training -- usually with highly motivated world-class athletes. Such people self-select and pride themselves on their ability to withstand extreme workloads -- which without the proper motivation and support system, will not be sustained by most individuals on their own.
Ken was aware that I also perfected my own version of the high-intensity workout back in the early ‘70s -- on the inspiration of the Nautilus “principles,” which early on, Jones insisted was the only requirement for achieving optimal training results, with no need for special equipment. I established various training projects to actually verify those claims -- independently.
That’s a very important concept and feature of real science -- independent testing, which obviously, Jones or anybody connected with him could not do. That was a tremendous flaw in most of the claims connected with exercise -- that it was simply one person’s conjectures to which they created alter-egos with pretentious and misleading names of legitimacy and credibility, that “proved” everything they claimed was true. The Aerobics Institute, which “proved” everything Dr. Kenneth Cooper said about aerobic exercise, was simply Dr. Kenneth Cooper himself, and not some truly independent research body doing any rigorous testing -- particularly to disprove his hypotheses. And in fact, these entities existed for the sole purpose of this self-promotion.
But the most outrageous of such self-promoters were the Weider brothers, who claimed every idea on exercise, was thought up exclusively by themselves, and verified by the impartial and highly esteemed Weider Research Institute -- in the magazines they published that did much to publicize the bodybuilding world and establish their own place at the top of it It wasn’t surprising that many lent their “names” to such testimonials because the devotees of weight-training were usually people residing on the margins of society by which they could justify anything -- as long as they could perpetuate their own self-promotional delusions.
Later came the "certifying" entities, that actually prohibited any of their publications from being revealed to anybody else, except for the purpose of obtaining their certifications -- as though they were a highly top-secret organization that was charged with the trust of perpetuating mankind’s greatest secrets, or at least their own proprietary knowledge -- which usually turned out to be, all the wives tales, propagated by the previous physical education teachers. The key to their success, was the belief that making somebody feel terrible, was good for them in some miraculous way.
The amazing thing is that those who self-select for such onerous treatment, don’t find it abusive, but actually are the rare exceptions who truly enjoy it -- because it is their thing. But it is not necessarily everybody’s thing, or works for everybody, which is what every individual has to ultimately determine for themselves.
So I was not surprised to learn that Ken was still training basically the same way he did as a young man, as his barometer of fitness and viability, which is a common standard. I informed him of the eye-opening experiences I had had working with terminally and hopelessly disabled people, and was inspired to create exercise for that segment of the population as the most meaningful and urgent -- and realized that the universal principles that worked for the weakest, also worked for the strongest -- but vice-versa was not true, yet that was the widely-accepted model of thinking in this field.
That -- is the shocking revelation -- and the breakthrough idea I claim, and can be demonstrated in every venue, circumstances and condition by those who simply think deeply and quietly on their own -- if such a thing is still possible anymore.
But when one turns the whole fitness paradigm upside-down, the last become the first -- but first, they have to think in that simple actuality, and not reinforce the manner in which they cannot win and have no hope.