Monday, May 26, 2008

Change is the Name of the Game

Life is the difference between the quick and the dead -- or one’s responsiveness to change and challenges. A few people learn to do that gracefully, graciously and easily. Most people, however, have been taught the wrong lesson to resist changes in favor of superimposing their will upon the other and all.

Probably the people who have the best training in this, are those who learn to ride markets for change -- whichever way they flow, which is not to say, that everyone learns that lesson from that participation. Often in fact, people learn the wrong lessons in anything, and that handicaps them for life.

Not everyone who falls off a bike or a horse, gets back up and becomes a world champion rider because of their determination to overcome their initial failure. Far more often, one will conclude that bikes and horses were not meant to be ridden, and should never be done under any circumstances. And it is quite possible not to do anything without suffering any great consequences -- except maybe for a few things in life, like learning to control one’s own movements, which ultimately, leads to the greater achievement of controlling one’s own life and destiny -- that begins with the mastery over simple movements.

In fact, in a disastrous initiation into “physical education,” one might be taught that the world of thought and action are mutually exclusive -- and that one needs to superimpose one’s will over the other, rather than learning to integrate all one’s efforts in a single purpose. Thus, one is not saying one thing while doing something else; one is not thinking something else, while saying something different, etc., and all the self-contradictions that are the struggles of one’s existence.

The unity of purpose, being, and meaning, is the objective -- and not something one has no time to listen to because one is "too busy" doing all those other things that fragment one’s comprehension of that which is meaningful and productive to do. People seldom do too little; they are doing too much of that which is counterproductive and wasteful -- so that they rob themselves of the time and energy to do what would do them most good. Many people will encourage them on this path -- usually because they don’t know any better, but a few do know better and it is their profit to do so.

But profit is not just about money, and in fact, for most people, is less important than their ego -- and learning that everything they’ve built their sense of knowledge on, is false and untrue -- which means having to learn something all over again, or for the first time. But rather than that being more time-consuming and arduous, it eliminates the constant struggle against reality -- which is an indication that one is doing things wrong.

That which is really right and true, are inevitable if one knows better.


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