Solving the Problems of One's Own Living
all the talk about what somebody else (government) can do, what is
never discussed anymore, is the possibility that one can solve their own
problems -- by themselves, as their primary responsibility, and the
objective of their very living. Unless one does that, the situation is
indeed as hopeless as the vested interests make it out to be.
is the culture of these times -- cultivating the belief that not only
is it necessary to achieve anything except by organizing a mass number
to go along with them -- in forcing someone else to do something for
them -- but is even thought to be impossible that one can ever, or
should try to do anything for themselves anymore. That is exacerbated
by living in crowded cities which foster this feeling and sense that one
is powerless, and the victim of their own environment -- rather than
the creator and master of it.
the only thing left for everyone living in such a society, is to force
somebody else to do something for them -- and never simply and more
efficiently, to do it for themselves -- first and foremost, and then if
that proves impossible, to mobilize and organize more help. That is
obviously the first resort to solving any problem -- and not making
one's own problems, everybody else's -- who have their uniquely own
problems to solve.
the gravest problems of our times -- casting a shadow on out to the
future, is the problem of increasing dependency, caregiving (for
others), running out of money and people to do so, if everyone requires
more than themselves to take care of themselves -- as though it were a
gigantic pyramid scheme favoring those who got in first, and have
secured all the assistance they can before any others can establish
their claims to it.
that manner, there is never enough to go around, because the more
resources available, is quickly absorbed by those requiring evermore,
and so these problems become predictably worse -- as the problems of
living in contemporary society. How will we be able afford 30 years of
being totally dependent on others to take care of our daily living and
every need? The obvious answer, is that we shouldn't be living that
way; that is not living at all. That is merely consuming as many
resources as possible -- as the American way of life -- as an end in
itself, without any productivity, meaning and purpose. Certainly there
is no fulfillment, as everyone simply gets worse, and is encouraged and
supported to do so.
wise ones will be the first to recognize the futility of that way of
life -- as well as the true objective of human life in becoming more
independent on everybody else to fulfill their every need, and will
realize nobody else could serve one's own needs and purposes they can
themselves -- or would want to. Otherwise it becomes prohibitively
expensive trying to force another to do what one could do better for
themselves -- each and everyone of us.
is the life we can choose for ourselves -- and no longer be the pawns
and victims of everybody else -- in the nameless and faceless,
"government," which we've come to accept unquestioningly, as the
definitive authority on such matters -- because we ceded that power to
them, and has become an irrevocable and exclusive right. Meanwhile,
they work and live in cubicles -- as the "best of all possible worlds"
-- because that's what everybody else wants to do also -- hoping to
accumulate enough of a fortune, to allow them to be completely useless,
for 30 years or more.
has to be something obviously wrong with that "dream scenario" -- that
all the financial advisers and care industries, are adamant that they
are the future. We see it playing out in the test tube environments
like Hawaii -- where the cost of living is 5 times higher than the mean
everywhere else -- and those at the bottom, are ignored until they
ultimately just go away -- somehow. But that's not a plan -- or any
solution. That is not the desired "Paradise" one hopes is the best
place one can hope to be -- because the cost of that caregiving, is the
highest in the world, and for that reason, families must band together
even tighter and unfailingly -- for that purpose.
they just go away -- and nobody knows, or wants to know of their fate
somewhere else -- because they have for all intents and purposes,
perished -- because certainly that is the fate of all who no longer
reside there. But the reality is that most invariably go on to much
better lives -- although they can no longer surf everyday. Life goes
on, and gets better, as the objective of their lives -- and not simply
to get worse, so they can consume infinitely greater resources -- before
everybody else beats them to the punchbowl.
are laboratories of experimentation to find out what works -- better,
trying the many things, and not just forcing everybody into the one --
that is predetermined from birth for everyone. That is a society still
living in the dark tribal ages of brute force determined by whole can
amass the larger army to force their ways on all the others. In this
case, it is those who can control the vote. And that becomes an
end in itself -- just to exercise that power, and nothing else. It does
not matter what they do after the election -- and nobody cares anymore,
and didn't even care to vote.
Those are the experiments in "democracy" that go wrong -- because they overlook, or have no guiding principle of greater independence and autonomy -- as the real reasons for being.
Expressing Health and Well-Being
As people diminish in health, how it it expressed? The same way it is expressed in increasing health and well-being -- by the muscles of the face (head), hands and feet -- which most people have never learned or exercised to express -- and so those muscles get very flabby, and incapable of ,movement (expression), until there is no movement at all. At that point, one seems to be unresponsive to everything going on about them -- even if the critical function of circulation and respiration have not ceased, whereupon they would be pronounced "dead." But often, long before that definitive proclamation, many stop being acutely and fully responsive, for which we often note that their expressions are "dead," or lacking in animation (movement).
Many people think it is enough just to have their faces fixed in permanently smiling or uplifted expressions -- without variation, or the possibility of movement (change), as all that is required to fool the most undiscriminating observers into thinking they are healthy and well. But really, it is more the range of movements that communicates the truth of that being -- well or ill. That's why it is often noted that an extremely depressed person, shows no change of expression -- that is striking to people who are aware of such differences.
Unless they are actually in the commission of a crime, such people only note the strangeness of the expression -- as though one were not responding and interacting with one's surroundings, but rather, the mind is someplace far away, living in another world. Upon noticing that, the appropriate response is to approach such individuals cautiously, not knowing what their responses might be, since they have no awareness or intention, of communicating their thoughts, feelings, and responses to any other. This is important because communicating all this, is the primary function of all human beings -- and not running, lifting, jumping, throwing, walking, etc. The primary function of the human being, is to communicate -- thoughts, feelings, responses, etc.
That is mostly done by the muscles at the extremities of the human body -- which are the head, hands and feet -- where most do not think it is important to maintain, improve and optimize -- but surely, is the summation of human expressions and proficiencies. However, in the teaching of activities, they are not considered of primary importance -- but it surely is, to the very observant. That deftness of movement (fine motor coordination), is what distinguishes the great artist/athlete/musician, from those who have only mastered the gross movements -- of seeming to do the same thing, but not as masterfully, definitively, authoritatively.
Most simply see the gross movement -- and are not aware of the fine movements -- where the prodigies of every activity, distinguish themselves. That is what they do better -- and not simply, more of, what everybody else is doing. They are doing something that makes a difference -- apart from just doing more. Those are the finer points of life.
When one is young, it is not so important, but with time and age, become the difference between life and death, and before that, the difference between a good life and a bad one. Those are distinctions, we are pretty much prohibited from making -- in the misguided intention, that such things shouldn't matter -- but they do, and so are critically important to distinguish, and discriminate -- in favor of. That is the whole point to life, the survival of the fittest -- which must happen, regardless of what the legislation says. We cannot legislate nature -- which is what is. What is, dictates everything else.
Aging diminishes the capabilities at the extremities more importantly and critically than anywhere else. Those are usually the first to fail and so act as the barometers of overall well-being -- way before life is threatened. The muscles in the face, hands and feet, are the most important to maintain, and beyond that, optimize -- even if there is no contest for motivating it. That's particularly true for those with arthritis -- which begins to include most older people, on top of those born with that congenital challenge. With age, the lack of muscular development in the hands, feet and head, are impacted tremendously so as to produce deformities -- because the musculature is not strong enough to maintain the structural strength of proper, pleasing shape and design.
The head is also being impacted in less noticeable deformities due to disintegrating musculature. The question should be obvious which are the most important muscles and faculties to maintain and develop -- over less critical parts that most think are more important. They seem to be important until aging becomes a factor -- which is not just about being a certain amount of years more than most. It is fundamentally about how fit one is for life. Fit means getting better. Age can mean either getting better or worse, but most think only gets worse. Is that age, or just the wrong choice, and then the refusal to change -- ever again? -- until the day one dies, which one certainly will.
But way before then, there is much one can do to fully develop the faculties one is born with. That is Knowing Oneself. The simple truth some have offered throughout time. That is the Secret of Life -- Knowing Oneself. The only way one knows, is to develop it as well as possible. If the face, hands and feet never age, then that body never truly ages -- because that is where it shows most -- if one is looking for it. The health of the rest is implied -- by the condition of the extremities. That's where the human body ages, and fails first.
Those are the cognitive faculties. When that is the pattern of failure, it is easy to address, by specifically designing and implementing those exercises -- in preference to all others. It is more important to move the foot full-range, than any amount of limited range repetition -- which is likely to be walking and running. But that doesn't necessary imply full-range movement -- which is what one wishes to maintain, and develop beyond that.
"The Total Package"
used to be a time when time and resources were so scarce, that any one
person, could only hope to be proficient at one thing -- even and
especially at the expense of all other things. In such a world, one
might be a good breadwinner, but also be the worst person in the world
-- to achieve that.
idea that any one person, could be all things, or as complete a person
as they were capable of being, was such an alien concept, that anyone
suggesting such a thing, was thought to be suffering from delusions of
grandeur -- or at the least, be unaware of their shortcomings and
inadequacies, and probably repressing and denying them -- to make
themselves "look good." A few thought it sufficient, just to look good,
or to control the image others had of them -- even if it meant "false
and deceptive advertising."
that mattered, was getting the other(s), to buy what they were selling
-- even if there was no actuality or substance behind it (the claims).
That was notably and distinctively, the 20th century mind(set) -- of
everyone being less than a whole person in themselves, as the ultimate
realization of society as an mass manufacture assembly line. In such a
society, each individual, could only do one thing -- repetitiously, and
unvaryingly -- until they themselves broke down from that mechanical
repetition. Then younger, more nimble hands would replace them.
what became of the old and weary? More often than not, they just
continued in their downward spiral of disintegration and deterioration
-- but were compensated for their years of service with pensions
sufficient to keep them alive. But other than that, there were no
guarantees of "happily forever after." For that, each was left to their
own designs -- and fates.
that point, many begin to fail -- even when all things may be as equal
as they will ever be. That happens because life is more than just about
"making money" -- but reveals itself as the sum and totality of the
whole -- and not just one part, no matter how disproportionately
expressed and developed relative to the whole. It is the whole
-- and balance, that gets them to where they want to go, and be. Many
realize that too late, while others never realize that at all -- and the
is the reason for their underlying sense of incompleteness and
incomprehension -- that makes life seem endlessly more difficult and
hopeless -- even when they thought they were on the verge of utter
triumph and vindication -- in the one sliver of their focus and
preoccupation. Meanwhile, the world was collapsing around them.
we read about such lives in their spectacular dissolution -- that
invariably, most did not see coming -- because they too, were focused on
only one parameter of their activities, and not the whole of that
life. When that is finally seen and understood, then it all makes sense
-- and nothing else was possible. We cannot infer the whole from the
part, but necessarily have to see the whole as the whole -- and not
selectively repress and deny what we like, and see only what we want.
has been a problem for as long as people have thought they knew
something worth knowing -- and distinguished themselves above the others
-- as God's chosen few. Reality and actuality, has no such separations
and fragmentations -- into those who know, and those who do not -- as
many are wont to do. That creates the difficulties of their lives --
the artificial and arbitrary divisions, making the transition from one
to another, difficult and impossible. Each individual, is the totality
of the whole, as the indivisible -- of the good and bad, the
knowledgeable from the ignorant -- and embracing that acknowledgement,
is the comprehension of the whole -- and not the continued endless
arguments of the parts -- thinking they are the solution to anything.
Thus it is said, "Those who know, do not talk; those who talk, do not know."
Evolve or Die
People don't change because they want to; people change because they have to.
If they don't have to change, they won't -- even as much as they say
they'd like to. It is only when they have no choice, that those who can
change, will, while those who can't -- when they have to, perish. That
is the story of evolution -- the overriding imperative of all of life.
okay not to want to change -- but when one has to, that's the
difference between life and death -- and those who live another day, and
actually improve their survival chances. Individually, that is also
the story of "aging" -- which is usually meant to indicate one is
becoming less fit -- to survive and thrive. The fit are those who
survive and thrive -- not just in the familiar sites and conditions of
athletic competitions, but more importantly, under whatever conditions
present themselves.
The best of course, create a response that hadn't existed before -- the literary tour de force,
or unprecedented achievement that is the quality of that individual.
As such, it is not the "average" performance, or stereotypical response
-- but something wholly new, which is the culmination and integration of
that particular life -- manifested as the meaning and purpose of that
unique existence. That is what we all hope to live for. That makes our
lives extraordinary -- even to us.
have called it the "peak experiences" that revitalize and change the
course of one's life -- if they properly regard it that way. To those
who can't or won't, those are the crises that send them into an
irrevocable reversal that they never pull out of -- that ultimately ends
their life. For most, that will take many years to run its course --
but the trend is unmistakable: one just gets worse, and there is no
getting better.
That happens in every life -- so the challenge is to use those crises as the opportunities for transformative
change that revitalizes that existence and life -- from that
continuation that offers them no escape from that dismal fate. That is
the greatest wisdom and lesson in our lives -- that most do not dare
define and confront -- because it means having to choose the untraveled
path -- as the only hope from that certainty of doom.
doesn't get to that point until one feels they have nothing to lose.
They don't even have to feel they have something to gain. They just
know, they have nothing to lose. Those are the turning points for lives
that get better. They have to get immeasurably better -- unforeseeably
better. They have no idea where they'll end up from their act of
desperation -- except they know they cannot go on as they have been.
many, that is the "health crisis" -- in all its variations -- signaling
that change cannot just be casual or moderate. It has to be a total change -- to meet the challenge that threatens that very livelihood, questioning its every precepts and tenets -- before life can go on. Those are the supreme moments of every life -- its defining moments, that tests their true capabilities -- and what they are all about. Nobody can answer that, for anybody else. That is everyone's moment of truth -- when they have to stand alone. It is in those moments, that they find out who they are, and the person they've become.
Many don't want to know that. They prefer to hide in the safety of the average and anonymity -- never knowing who they themselves are.
That is not on their agenda -- of things they want or need to do. They
are entirely content to know only the "average," and never any
particular individual -- especially themselves. They don't want to know
that. But that is the whole beauty of living and life -- of knowing how one could have been different, and made a difference in one's own life.
they wished to be distracted from their own lives -- into the
entertainment and amusements offered by others -- that can consume an
entire lifetime. So in the end, they've lived like everybody else
before them -- or thought they did so. And that was "all there is."
is thought in most societies and cultures, that the old know all there
is to know, and are absolved of learning anything more -- when that is
when it is most important to reimagine life very differently all over
again. The young do that because they don't know any better -- and so
are open to the possibilities. That is the fire that drives them --
until they feel they have seen it all, and have nothing more to learn --
because they know it all, of a rapidly shrinking universe. That is how
people grow "old" and die; they are no longer evolving, nor think it
possible for themselves -- because they just want to hold on to the life
they've always known before.
every ending, is also a new beginning -- that brings new life and
energy, for those who can embrace it. That's how the last, can be first
-- but not if they just continue with their losing, dying ways. That
won't change anything. But if one does all the right things -- the right way -- it bears fruit, in its own good time. That is the unmistakable lesson of the universe. That's what matters.