Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Larger Than Life

 Even Jesus didn’t win them all — because winning isn’t the ONLY thing. The main thing is that we know the difference —between the true and the false. That goes beyond what the media (Pharisees and the Scribes) say is true — and the only way to think about these things.

Yes the media would like it if we all bought into what they are selling — but as the wise have always noted, the majority is usually wrong — and not that “might makes right,” so we all have to chant and repeat only what we are instructed to — and not that we should think for ourselves anymore.

We need to be MORE discriminating rather than less. The ability to discriminate is the the antidote for Prejudice and Bias — but if we cannot tell the difference (discriminate), then we go along with the mob — and that is what all the great literature and wisdom warns us of. It comes in different guises each time.

Yes, it would be nice if everyone recognized the truth — but what matters, is the few who do — in every generation and circumstances, and remain steadfast in that truth — by living it. They eventually Inherit (change) the world — as truth stands the test of time, while the false come and go with the regularity of arbitrariness and capriciousness, and the indoctrinations of the present moment.

Making the critical discriminations is what life is all about — and not simply trying to be only on the “winning” side — because there is a reward greater than we have been “conditioned” to value as the only thing that matters. We see the truth play out — and not that is what others tell us is so.

Invariably, it is that they own the monopoly on "truth" -- as though that was what God intended -- as the last word on all things, and get to enforce as ruthlessly as necessary -- as their exclusive right.  It is the same with every generation and society -- and not merely some fable of some distant time in memory -- which they now supplant, as the way it has always been for time immemorial.  That's why we have historians -- who tell us it is not so -- that things weren't always the way they tell us it must be.  Life is change -- and by that mechanism, always getting better -- because nothing else stands the test of time.

That's why the present reality is the truth -- and not only what a self-designated few, tell us is so -- despite what our own senses tell us is so.  If that present "truth" is not working, then one should be free to explore alternative ways of looking at the problem -- because the problem is in the present solution (adaptation) -- and not that the world is inherently flawed, while their understanding is "correct."

Knowledge is useful when it conforms to reality, and not that reality must be distorted to conform to that explanation.  Then, all kinds of mischief becomes possible -- and the truth becomes anything one thinks they can get away with.  That doesn't make for a happy world, let alone a world that works, and makes sense.  That is the "scientific method," as opposed to a world of "authoritarianism," that claims it is following the science -- but that science can't be disclosed to anyone else -- but those already in authority positions.

Fortunately, we still are allowed fields in which one can find out the truth of the matter for themselves -- as the only thing possible.    Those are the matters of personal choice -- which makes the real difference in outcomes and people's lives, and not just that everyone must conform to the "averages" -- and nothing else is possible.  That is the failing of the liberal arts curriculum -- that everything is merely a matter of opinion, and how many one can get to agree with them -- usually without thinking very deeply about it themselves.  Instead, the microphones are thrust in front of them for their "expert" opinion -- as though that is "science," or an intelligent response at all.

That quality of thoughtfulness now becomes absent in all discussions -- and there are no second chances unless one is doing the editing, and then one has unlimited chances to do so until they come out perfect -- while distorting every other viewpoint to gibberish -- just as the editors of old had the chance to do before final publication.  But now, even that can be erased and tampered with -- by the unscrupulous.  And so one has to retreat even further from those engagements with those who have no interest in investigating the truth of any matter -- but have already made up their minds as to what the answers must be -- because somebody has already paid them for that conclusion.

So it is up to each individual to reward themselves in that way -- by discovering the truth of that matter, because that is what really makes a difference -- and not that they can simply live in their delusional world of unlimited "likes" -- and no one can tell the difference.  But a few can -- and those make a difference, and go on and enjoy a richer, deeper life -- a life of authenticity.  Those are the rare few not afraid to find out the truth -- and are blessed by it.  They don't need to be rewarded by others -- and that phony currency of other people's opinions.  They go straight to the heart of the truth.

You can fool some of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time -- because time eventually reveals the truth.  The truth is timeless in that way; it is what is.  What that is, varies from individual to individual -- depending on their ability to process the information -- and integrate it with all they know to be true.  That is what it means to be truly "fit," and not just one measure among the many that might not even be the right measure for that moment.

Heart rate, or pounds lifted, is not sacrosanct -- but depends on what larger aim needs to be accomplished -- and if that is health in longevity, health is paramount, while longevity is moot.  It doesn't matter for most how long one lives as a "vegetable" -- or otherwise similarly impaired human being.  Far more important is "quality" of life, and length is a by-product of that -- while simply existing with no cognition of life, has no meaning -- except for those who can profit in some way.  And undoubtedly, there will always be people like that -- who make a handsome living on people's continued and prolonged misery.

They don't solve problems, but merely exploit them -- as the only thing they know how to do.  Eventually, they become their own greatest victims -- because that's just the way the world works.  That is cause and effect, karma, religion as well.  In the end, everything is made right -- that is guaranteed.  So we each only need to worry about the short term -- and do the best we can with what we know.  That's what we are responsible for -- and not the ultimate fate of humanity -- as though we knew.  It is seldom sufficient to know only one thing, and think it is everything.  The uncertainty is what drives us to find out -- while certitude discourages us from even questioning anything -- and that is the unexamined life.

That is the real dividing line in consciousness across the human race.  The best is yet to be discovered.

Monday, February 01, 2021

No Amount of Doing the Wrong Thing, Will Get You the Right Results

 That is the hardest concept to get across -- especially to those who cannot tell the difference (discriminate).  That's what discriminate is -- the capacity to tell the difference.  Unfortunately, at the present time, in many societies it is banned, censored and suppressed by the hierarchies of the orthodoxy (defenders of the status quo) -- because it is the only thing that works, and would destroy the very cause of the problem upon which it is premised -- and provides their continued employment and positions.  They are fully-invested in perpetuating the problem -- as the only thing they know to do.

While ostensibly working to solve the problem, everything they do perpetuates the situation, and makes it grow out of control -- whether that is the homeless situation or disease.  They don't want better health; they want more healthcare -- which, obviously, is exactly the opposite.  Likewise with the obesity and diabetes problem; the solution is not to give them more food and insulin -- but less!  The lack, is not the problem.  It is the abundance.

That's why Intermittent Fasting and a low-carbohydrate diet works wonders in such people -- but the powers that be refuse to have it -- because that would end the disease epidemic -- and there would go their industry.  That is of course, to end the problem of most of the diseases -- and even increasing their numbers and new afflictions -- endlessly.  

The problem is not that we are too healthy; the problem is that we are not healthy enough -- to not need increasing health care -- and even intensive care to live our lives.  Yet that is what has presently transpired.  Some would call it the ultimate nanny-state, but it is the cradle-to-grave control of every aspect of our lives -- that has become fully acceptable and tolerable with the promise that one will never die -- even at 90 or 100.  One continues to live -- but is not allowed to do anything else -- for fear that it would engender increased risks.  It is the ultimate risk-averse society -- but is it worth living?

Might one be better off if they increased their risks -- by doing more?  That is the overlooked question.  That means venturing outside one's house -- and safety and comfort zone -- to explore more of life's possibilities.  Does that entail unacceptable risks?  Or is that what living is all about -- calculating and taking the appropriate risks?  Every animal does that.  Some invariably get hit by a car, or eaten by another animal, or even injured by a lesser foe.  But it gets to find out what those realities are -- and that is life, and not merely living in the bubble for all eternity -- even if such a thing were actually possible.

Of course, the rich man's bubble is larger than the poor man's bubble -- and what they are used to.  The rich man has a lot of accumulated assets to live off of, while the poor man has no margin for error -- and needs to work for their sustenance daily.  Forbidding them from doing so, will not make them equally rich -- nor live any longer.  It will simply make their lives more difficult and unbearable -- all in the name of progress and enlightenment.

Some are fortunate enough to have the advantage of accumulated wealth and assets -- while many others do not, when the wheels of the world stopped -- and all had to be frozen in place with only what they presently had -- indefinitely and uncertainly.  That is the present crisis in the world -- when faced with the threat of nothing greater than the ordinary risk of dying from anything -- as always.  There is no time when the living will never die -- as a few rich men, hope to now live forever.

It's not very different from the pharaohs of old -- taking their entire households with them when they did pass on -- to comfort and continue to serve them in their next life and world.  There, they would still maintain their advantage -- of having it all, and being well-provisioned into eternity.  But is that life, or merely a delusion of what it means to live?

Is the greater life about length -- or depth -- which can be lived in each moment?  Certainly more is better -- but up to a point, where quality of living takes precedence -- but that entails taking slightly more risk for that bigger payoff.  To live forever in poor health, or to live slightly less, but robustly until their end?  For virtually all, the latter is their resounding choice, and not simply forever with no quality of life and experiences.  The virtual human vegetable -- kept alive as long as their resources can afford, and beyond that, everybody's resources can afford.  Those are serious and profound questions to consider on the verge of these possibilities and choices.  At what point is it proper to give up -- so that the rest might go on to greener pastures only possible without them?

There comes a time for everyone to make that choice -- while they are still capable of making those choices -- while young as well as old.  It's not something we usually talk about, and many have forbidden others to talk about as well -- thinking that is enough to make it go away.  But death will not go away -- even for the son of god.  It has to be gone through -- for the greater life -- and the greater good.  That is fair enough, and long enough to live.

But now, some people are foolish enough to say and believe that "even one person dying, is one too many," -- just because the mortality rates have never been lower -- but that doesn't mean that nobody will die anymore.  They'll die according to their "fitness" for living -- in those times and circumstances -- which is not just about who can do the most pushups, or who is still racing at 100 -- even if they look like they should be dead.  No, fitness is much more than that -- and is everything, and not just one thing -- or everybody would own the monopoly on that.  It is even beyond the known -- because it is Nature that determines that, and not anybody thinking they are "first."  No one ever knows with that much certainty what the criteria will be this time.  More often than not, it is being at the right place at the right time, or not being at the wrong place, at the wrong time.  That is the art of living, and surviving.

And then God decides.