Saturday, October 16, 2021

Making the Most of What You Already Have

 The corollary to the solution of always "needing" more, is making the most of what one already has -- and in doing so, one often finds that they don't need anything more -- than what they already have, but have never thought to use.  Most obviously, that is the value of exercise -- and the saying that, "if you don't use it, you will lose it."  But far before getting to that point, is realizing that one has it in the first place -- because if one never uses it at all, they may never realize that they had those capabilities at all -- ever in their lives!  Exercise is therefore the expression of those capabilities, and the mastering of those faculties, is the extent of that articulation -- in the range of possibilities.  That is what makes one "articulate" in those expressions -- and beyond that is the mastery and even perfection in those expressions we appreciate in performance venues.

However much we come to appreciate it in others, what matters most, is learning to appreciate those capabilities in ourselves -- and it is true that we never know what we are ultimately capable of, until we discover it for ourselves -- in the doing, and not merely learning from authorities what is the "average."  Individual experience will always vary from that norm -- and in every life, that is what is most important to discover, develop and explore -- as the whole meaning of each life.

Many will claim to know what that is -- for everybody -- invariably because they never found out the truth of any matter for themselves, but think that what one authority told them is the truth, is all that can be known of it.  With that way of thinking, nothing new and different is ever possible -- and all we can do, is repeat history.  Some see it as their highest calling -- that they've never said and done anything that hasn't already been said and done before -- preferably, by everybody else.  In such a scheme, the "average" is the best -- and every deviation from that norm, must be vilified and extinguished.  

Such a way of being and doing will often cause problems for which there is no resolution in repeating the "solutions" that have never solved the problem before -- yet are highly recommended by the experts and authorities that make a good living from its perpetuation and exaverbation.  The problem just gets endlessly worse because there are financial or psychic incentives to do so.  So one has to reward themselves by making their lives better by assessing the risks and rewards for doing so -- and acting on them appropriately and prudently.

If something doesn't work, you quit that and find some way that works -- even if one has to discover it for the rest of the world.  That won't automatically make one "rich and famous," but one now has a template for making other discoveries -- and that is much more important.  Many get lost in the media culture that promises everything but delivers very little.  So it is best to rely mostly on one's own sensibilities in discovering the truth of any matter -- and how to go about it for the rest of their lives.

Of course some will be more gifted at doing so than others -- but everyone has their own unique starting point of what is meaningful and significant.  Even more important than the start, is that the finish line moves further into the future as one develops more skills and possibilities.  However far they have come, they have even more life ahead of them -- and not that it is all behind them now.  That doesn't mean that they will live forever, but they live each day as though they will -- and when the end comes, they know they've truly done their best, and all they could.

In that way, they've lived many lives -- and not just the same one thing, repeated endlessly -- in the same way.  They end up far from where they started.  Those are the most successful lives -- because they have discovered many different lives and ways of being -- in their own.  That is the exercise of life -- and not merely the repetition of anything done before to numbing boredom.  That, ultimately, is what makes one person successful and others not so much.  One is transformed by what they do, while for the many others, no change occurs -- or is even possible.

For the latter, "more" is not the answer that "different" would be.  Even those who think they know, often cannot distinguish this difference -- and think the wrong things are responsible.  It's only an "option" until you exercise it, and discover how it changes one's life.  That takes one down a particular path -- that simply having unlimited options unexercised, can not.  It is a commitment of time, energy and focus -- and that is the exercise.  So if one wants to be good at 100, start practicing now until you get there.

Friday, October 01, 2021

"More" is Not the Answer

  Up until the 21st century, it was always thought that "more" was always the answer -- and never that better might be less, and even different -- from what we presumed was true -- because the self-proclaimed "experts" said so -- because they purchased their certificates from those who sold them.  But usually, it takes more than money to make one an expert in any field; it takes time, effort and insight -- in actually learning to think for oneself -- because that is what makes one truly an expert, and not the countless drones merely repeating what somebody else told them is the truth -- and they have no way of finding out the truth of the matter for themselves.

And that is the beauty and joy of life -- discovering the truth of life for oneself -- instead of repeating what all the countless drones before them have -- despite all lack of success.  One doesn't want to be among the countless failures who simply "know better" -- while the world around them collapses on top of them.  We have a glut of too many of such experts.  Some things we use and abuse too much, while other capacities, we use not enough -- and that is the justification for the exercise of those capacities, and not that one must run oneself ragged as though somehow, that was the answer to any question -- under all circumstances.

More often than not, every situation is unique -- requiring the appropriate unique answer for each individual -- rather than the "one size fits everybody" terribly of the last half of the 20th century.  We live in a world now that is fully capable of being custom-designed for every individual -- and not the hand-me-down society that was good enough for all the previous generations.  But that requires a little bit of personal initiative from each individual -- and not that the government is going to ensure that for everyone equally successfully -- as the politicians promise.

That's also very 20th century -- the government knowing what is best for everybody -- rather than each individual determining that (better) for themselves -- because they have those abilities available to them.  That includes health better than the institutions are capable of providing for them.  They can now take unprecedentedly better care of themselves -- beyond what the medical systems alone can deliver.  Because ultimately, they are better able to provide and determine those things for themselves.  And surely, that must happen -- for there to be continued evolution of the human experience.

Simply repeating life as it's always been experienced before -- is not the end-all, be-all of existence.  There are always these quantum leaps to where life has never gone before -- but works better, as another one of those fortunate accidents that happens because life makes it possible.  What if we have to get better -- and there is no choice about it?  Those in poor heath will not survive -- not because we are prejudiced, but because it is a fact of life.  Only one's best will suffice.

But does that simply mean doing the familiar old things more -- or is there some other dimension of unlimited possibilities -- unimagined before?  That is the very march of progress and evolution.  Not more on the continued pattern, but the leap to better understanding and appreciation of the whole -- which has always been the next frontier.  Otherwise, we just go around in circles doing the same things we did last year, and fearing there is nothing else -- but more of the same.  At such times, civilization has come to a dead end -- of which different measures are entirely necessary.

Such changes do not simply take generations to change and manifest, but is the speed of life as is possible today.  At first there will be only the few, then a trickle, before a torrent, and then the stampede to the new.  Of course one hopes to be on that leading edge -- and not the rear guard defending the status quo that have already fled leaving them holding the bag -- and nothing else.  That is always the quandary living in any time.

Are you a bagholder, or one discovering the greatness of life -- even for oneself?  And that does not mean living half one's life waiting to die -- from the next Big Thing.  Surely, one deserves more than that.  Does one go out on top, or only halfway there? -- or never knowing for sure where one is.  It is all a blur -- from one calamity and crisis to the next -- with never a moment to rest and appreciate all one has -- before desiring the "more."  More often than not, the answer lies in something else entirely -- and that frame of mind, is truly "fitness."  It is the obvious.

It's the range of motion that is the exercise -- and not the limited range of movement (thought) done more often.  That is movement into the 21st century -- and beyond.