Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Being Well-grounded

 The extremities of the feet, hands and head (face and brain) are the leading indicators of the general health and functioning of the body — so much so that that is how we recognize individuals apart from every other. Those are also the most visible and obvious parts of every body — more than we could identify one’s person’s heart from another, shoulder or hip, etc.

They are also the distinctively expressive organs of the human body. When we note that an individual is remarkably animated (vibrant, lively) it is because of those movements at the face, hands and feet — rather than how high or far they jump, fast they run, or how much they lift. And in fact, specialists in such activities will adopt a rather stoic expression throughout to conserve their energy only to the essential required for efficiency and economy of their "movement."

Apart from such narrow and constrained competitions though, the human is at its best being ready and able to express whatever movements might be required by their versatility afforded by their face (communication), hands (tool using and making), and feet (leveraging one’s bodyweight against the ground). Other animals are much more specialized in what they can do — and why they do it so well. But the human being (organism) has the capacity to do many things — because of the large brain capacity that enables and empowers it. Humans seem to be good at whatever they decide they want to become good at.

One of the earliest forms of human expression and distinction in addition to physical competition, was simply dance — that exhibited fine motor coordination in addition to the gross motor coordination of traditional athletics. Other similar manifestations were painting (art) and music (dexterity) — in the broader category of culture — those shared values it was agreed upon that were desirable qualities to cultivate and improve — for long-forgotten reasons.

Often, people didn’t know why, but recognized that there was something “right” in being light on one’s feet — rather than simply plodding along, shuffling one’s feet — even for great distances. Palpably and aesthetically, it was not the same sense as one leaping and moving quickly on their feet — and particularly on their toes or balls of their feet. Such movements, required the greater articulation of the foot musculature — which has led some exercise physiologists to proclaim that the feet are the second heart of the human body when operated in this manner — as the "soleus pushup.”

That has led to a few enterprising individuals to devise and market a simple device to simulate this movement — but doesn’t require it. It can easily and effectively be done sitting in any chair that allows such freedom of movement — and as such, may even be superior to a stationary bicycle because of its singular focus on the importance of the full range foot movement — not to be confused with the movement at the hips and knees. It is the alternation of the muscle state from fullest contraction to relaxation that produces the pumping effect — which is also the quality produced by any and all the muscles activated in this way.

That is the very reason that exercise in general is beneficial for the health of the body — by directing the blood flow to those areas actually exercised in this manner. If it were only the heart responsible for pumping blood equally to all parts of the body, then we would not see the disproportionate developments of those who choose only to work their upper body, and ignore their lower body -- and vice-versa. But the flow must go to where there actually is the clearing of space because of the muscular contractions compressing the fluids out of that area — which then makes it possible and easy for the heart to pump blood into those vacuums. Without such preceding contractions and clearing, the heart cannot overcome the resistance of the already full area — and fluid accumulation and inflammation (swelling) Is the inevitable result — that continues to worsen in time without this intervention.

This is the condition seen so often with poor circulation in their feet and legs — even if they articulate movement at the hip and knees — because the backup begins at the feet that is minimally or inadequately articulated — even while there may be movement at the hips and knees. This is fairly typical of the movements performed on exercise machines that do not stress the importance of the movement at the extremity. For all practical purposes, it is the same as walking a mile while shuffling their feet. There is no articulation at the foot, and thus no pumping effect — which is the chief value of the exercise.

So when one realizes that it is the movement at the feet (ankle), the machine, device, resistance is much less important — that movement can be done, seated, lying, or standing — with or without equipment, productively. That is true for all the extremities of the body — which are those areas notorious for the poorest circulation of the body — but doesn’t have to be that way. The understanding changes the equation. Then when one realizes that the distal (insertion) of muscles contracts towards the proximal (origin), it becomes a simple matter in accomplishing the healthful effect of exercises — rather than just burning as many calories futilely by doing all the wrong things and wondering why exercise does not deliver the results promised by so many “experts.”

It doesn’t matter how much of the wrong thing you do — and have no time to learn the right thing that works.

Monday, February 10, 2025

The Most Important Exercise (Few do anymore)

 I like to begin each gym workout by doing light breathing pullovers lying on a bench — which used to be the key exercise in the ’50s and ’60s “Golden Era” of bodybuilding — producing those impressive chest to waist differentials through ribcage expansion — as well as midsection minimization. It was such a key movement, that Arthur Jones made it the prototype to demonstrate his Nautilus principles in action. His second machine, was the hip and back machine, which did not catch on in popularity — even though it was for the hip girdle muscles, as much as the pullover was for the shoulder girdle muscles — in his objective to work the maximum number of muscles as well as the largest of the body — with these two basic movements and machines.

Every other machine and movement was much less effective in its impact — because it was either redundant, or more specialized and isolating. And in the case of the neck, forearms, and calves, he felt that no machines in the Nautilus mode were necessary — because the standard mode of performance and resistance could not be improved on. What he, as well as most gym athletes failed to appreciate, was that those levers of the human body are activated and developed not so much by resistance as they are by the range of movement — inversely related to resistance. Because of that, most people lifting heavy weights, never move at their wrists, hands and neck — and even come to believe as many do, that such joints should not be articulated (moved) — because they cannot move under heavy resistance, or would be injurious to do so.

Such extremities were evolved (designed) optimally for range of motion — rather than lifting heavy loads as their primary purpose. That is the reason that the most impressive development of these muscles at the extremities are usually exhibited by the ballet dancers and gymnasts — who have unparalleled development of such movements and that musculature/functioning. That is usually the difference between the outstanding performer and the novice — who doesn’t exhibit such mastery out to their very fingertips. Those are people obviously born with high body intelligence and are usually recognized very early in life as prodigies of movement — which no amount of training can duplicate. So in many countries that appreciate those qualities, they can spot such talents in a roomful of youngsters and only train those who will greatly benefit by such guidance.

Every other society does that to some extent — because they recognize certain qualities as more desirable than others, and that life is not just a random crapshoot in which the normal have as much chance of winning as the “gifted” in that field or specialty. They don’t start off equal, and they don’t end up equal — which is the proper understanding of life and all its activities and outcomes. But that is not to say that nothing can be done — and those advantages are inevitable and inviolable.

The exercise that seems to make the most difference in leveling the playing field for most — is the breathing exercise which is best exemplified by the pullover done lying on a bench with either a light dumbbell or barbell — with either bent or straight arms — for at least 50 repetitions. That was the transformative movement that turned many puny weaklings into bodybuilding champions — in this golden era in which those taking up exercise with this modality were invariably successful beyond their wildest hopes. That was fairly typical of the results one could expect as a weight trainee of that time — but not so much anymore, when the wrong things are given greater emphasis and importance.

It was the importance and practice of breathing — and not merely the increase and monitoring of the heart rate that produced the greatest difference in exercisers. In fact, the pullover is hardly ever taught anymore as even one of the necessary exercises — while many much less and even unproductive movements are promoted as the must-do exercises — the usual being the bench press, squat and deadlift. And if that were not bad enough, done with dangerously heavy weights.

Meanwhile, the most productive exercise ever performed, is shunned because one cannot lift as heavy weights — or should. But proper deep breathing alone would probably be transformative to most people — for a very good reason. First off, they need to breathe only through the nose, and let the movement of air in and out of their body happen because the volume of the chest capacity is maximized and minimized by the natural action of the pullover movement — with a very nominal weight that serves mainly as a focal point. There is no other exercise or movement that comes close to duplicating that dedication to that objective and effectiveness. It is essentially the “breathing exercise” — and as such, makes all subsequent exercises much more productive — done in that same manner — with that attention to the breathing as the essential muscle contraction powering all the others.

In fact, properly done, every other muscle contraction and effort, merely “rides” the breathing contraction — and that is the proper cadence for sustaining any prolonged effort. That is the “flow” one wants to get into, which becomes conditioned so that one need not give conscious attention to in doing most other things. It should be automatic — because of this essential conditioning. 

The opposite of this are the mouth-breathers who force air in and out of their bodies — and deliberately make a conscious effort of even breathing, which adds to their workload diverting attention from the effortless flow. And so they are desperately trying to catch their breath — even in walking, talking and sleeping.  

It is so basic and essential that it is so easy to overlook -- as the most important thing we have to do in life.  Many ancient wisdoms have made it the foundation of their healthy practices.  This is how we practice better breathing by just the attention to it -- and all subsequent efforts become more productive.

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Optimal Conditions for Exercise

 The key to understanding exercise under any circumstances and conditions is the importance of the circulatory effect and how it is effected by the change in muscle states from contraction to relaxation (expansion). The prime example of this is the function of the heart — which is dedicated to providing this ambient constant pressure outwards towards the extremities.

However, the flow back towards the heart is not provided by that same functioning — but then is determined by the extent of the skeletal (voluntary) muscles compressing the fluids back towards the heart and central organs of the body to recycle, purify and eliminate waste products out of the body, and the failure to do so, largely accounts for the accumulation of these toxic substances in the tissues as the inflammation (swelling) that is seen as the source of all human dysfunction, disrepair, deterioration and eventually death.

In that sense, the body is an ecosystem dependent on the exchange with the greater environment — taking in food, air, water, other nutrients, and eliminating it from the body in an optimal interdependence. Simply put, that is taking in the new, and getting rid of the old, as the normal, healthy process of life — and therefore, anything that aids in that process, facilitates the health, and that which impedes those processes, have to be addressed, accommodated, and adapted for as much as is practicable in living one’s life, and prolonging those possibilities.

Simply put, one has to put in that effort to survive, and then beyond that, to flourish and prosper beyond the most primitive hand-to-mouth survival — in building up more than adequate reserves to deal with even greater challenges and rewards. Life for every living creature is not automatic and entitled. One has to do the necessary — and the basics, which should not be taken for granted just because they are provided for at a minimal, subsistence level — such as a heart beat. That is the minimal that will keep us alive — but beyond that, we wish to have greater capacities to do the many things that the human mind can conceive of.

So whether one is bedridden, chair-bound, or forced to stand all day, the requirements for effective exercise remain the same — and that is how effectively the body can move the metabolic waste products out of the body — and in that same process, create the space for new nutrients to enter — in changing the muscular states that produce contraction and compression. How much weight, or how far or fast one moves the entirety of the body is irrelevant for this purpose — because the only thing that matters, is the movement of the fluids out of the tissues at it most distant end. Those extremities are the head, hands, and feet — in that order of importance.

That is also the order of decline in most badly aging people. While it is difficult to determine cognitive decline and mental functioning, what is obvious and overlooked, is the decline in the muscularity and condition of the neck and face — which are the indications of the effectiveness of the circulation to those furthest reaches of the body — that people think there is very little they can do something about. There is also very little or nothing they think they can do about a weakening grip or unsteady foot — when these areas can be impacted most easily and greatly by exercise — or movements at these end joints.

Instead, they place great emphasis and importance of movement everywhere else — and especially on increasing the rate at which the always working heart is now demanded to increase the circulatory effect throughout the mass that is at least 100 times the mass of the heart. Meanwhile, the rest of their muscles still do nothing — and they are stunned when they continue to deteriorate dramatically even as they make their heart work harder and harder — until it ultimately fails. That was never the problem.

The problem was that the fluids were accumulating in the extremities of the feet, hands, and head, and they were not producing the movements at those joints (axes) to push out accumulation — and when they do that, they realize they can instantly transform themselves into their highest functioning selves — just as Nature intended and designed the body to — anytime, anywhere, under any circumstances it is required to — to optimize its chances for survival. Other animals grow twice as big when threatened.

That is the primary talent and skill bodybuilders have and cultivate to get better at. That they shrink back to “normal” is quite expected — because one doesn’t have to be at peak form all the time. Only when they have to — same as all the other animals in nature. They do only what they have to do — and keep the rest in reserve — for when they have to. The rest is just a waste of time, effort and resources — devoted to all the irrelevant things — while the really important, go completely unrecognized, ignored, and merely taken for granted — as nothing can be done about it. That is where it makes the most difference. Those are the true markers of the vitality and condition of an aging (deteriorating) individual — the appearance of the neck, hands and feet — implying the health and circulation of the rest.

It is not weight and resistance that determines that — but range of motion at those most distal axes — that trigger the rest of the musculature. It’s always been as simple as that.