Why “Cardio” Exercises Won’t Put You Into the Shape You Want to Be In
In order for a muscle to have the powerful effect in shaping the body, it has to be worked to a sufficient intensity to produce muscle failure in approximately 25-50 repetitions, or about a minute. Any exercise that does not produce this muscle “failure” in that time, is not of sufficient intensity to shape the body -- by producing contractions powerful enough to make a dramatically noticeable difference -- of the kind I‘ve described previously as possible, and which most people do not experience and therefore are discouraged by not getting that immediate “feedback.” Obviously, therefore, an exercise or activity that can be sustained for 30 minutes or more, cannot produce the quality of muscular contractions that would produce such a convincing body-shaping effect -- and that is why they need elaborate explanations and justifications of why they need to continue to do it everyday for a year before one can see any "visible" results.
Meanwhile, the quality and intensity of muscular contractions that do produce immediate "visible" changes in the body, is that which is attained and strived for by athletes training for bodybuilding competitions -- or just to look better. The mistake many make is thinking that that effect can be speeded up even further by adding more weights and therefore lowering the number of repetitions required to produce such muscle failure -- without realizing that the added weight may make the performance of the proper movement impossible, thereby nullifying such an advantage.
So the proper duration of any effective muscle-shaping/building exercise (movement) is one-minute, or about 25-50 repetitions until the muscle is totally exhausted and “fails” to be able to continue. Obviously, a "cardio" exercise that can be sustained nearly indefinitely -- does not produce muscle contractions of this quality and intensity sufficient to produce an immediate transformation (change) -- or a longer term one, for that matter. It is simply reinforcing the status quo -- or the shape one is in presently.
Most people do not embark on a fitness program to stay in the shape they are in presently -- but preferably want to change that shape into something more to their liking. That can be achieved easily -- once one is NOT distracted and diverted into exercises that cannot produce that effect -- while thinking that they can, on an “experts“ say so. Once one can achieve this effect, one doesn’t need any compelling scientific arguments for utilizing such practices daily -- because most people want to look and perform their best. Instantly -- if they thought it was possible and within their range of capabilities.
As most proficient “bodybuilders” take for granted, that is the “high” they get from their training -- this ability to induce a dramatic and instantaneous transformation -- that the best get better at effecting, while many others, will actually regress because of their improper understanding of what they are doing and their objectives.
Many will believe that simply using more weights (resistance) while lowering the number of repetitions will obtain better results -- without realizing that more resistance may merely make the "proper" movement difficult, if not impossible -- and it is the movement itself and not the resistance that is important. The properly performed movement actually produces its own resistance! That is because a fully contracted muscle, produces its own resistance to being contracted further -- while muscle contractions significantly below those thresholds, can be continued indefinitely, as is typical in most cardio exercises -- without producing dramatic, desired effects of instantly putting one into the shape one wants to be in.