The Way of the Future
The beauty of today’s technology, and the real meaning of the information and communication revolution, is that if one person knows something, it is possible for that information to become virtual knowledge for everyone else -- who simply knows how to access it. Because there are no longer physical (including, time) barriers to that information -- having to buy the book, storing and carrying around that material for the day one will eventually require it (if ever again) -- and so the mind and being is free to devote all resources to the totality of each moment.
What disturbs a lot of people who are perceived as having aging related problems, and maybe many of the younger people too, is the measure of mental and total functioning as exhibited by memory -- rather than the much more powerful ability to compute input freshly, without the burden of memory. That is the powerful computer information processing paradigm of real-time information -- as opposed to the older model of sequentially processed, stored information, reliant on memory (storage).
That shift was empowered by the growth of the Internet (Web) more than anything else, causing a rapid acceleration of all the possibilities of human functioning. Of course, that is not a favorable outlook for the old vested interests that may have even held prohibitive monopolies in their fields. That created the inflection point at which it truly was possible for the last to now be the first -- because they weren’t vested in the successful old ways, so had nothing to lose and everything to gain in embracing the new. Meanwhile, the Old Guard, could not evolve in their consciousness of the new realities -- and were permanently and henceforth retarded, demanding that the world not abandon them, but come back to regard them as leaders once again, just as they were in their memories, dreams and delusions.
The experiences of the new pioneers are thus shut out by the media of the old institutions (newspapers schools, universities) because they are the old -- rewarded and oriented to seniority, rather than the new. The only way they can maintain their value is by maintaining their claim to the superiority of the old ways -- because if it simply a matter of the best ways, and better ways, they have an inferior product -- that they refuse to “improve.” Instead, they steadfastly maintain, that the older product was perfected for its purpose -- of living in another time and age. But of course, they don’t tell you that.
So the literature and language of the reality unfolding, has yet to be written -- or is being written, as we speak. It is not the consciousness of the old world residing in the old books -- but is the living language being evolved to much greater purpose and effectiveness. In the past, the word was just words -- and not the essential tools of discovery of the unknown -- but only of the known. The language of the known is very familiar and taught; the language of finding out, discovery, is not the language of the known -- but of those who don’t want to find out for themselves, the truth of any matter.
In the past, that might have been the easier path to trod; now it is the most perilous. So one has to cultivate one simple skill -- and that is determining the authentic from the false, the deception, the manipulation, the contrivances. Because it has been the challenge of these times, those who have risen to it, have virtual intelligence -- not limited to just their own -- as in the old way of regarding it.
That has already profoundly changed the world and most people’s prospects for the future -- but most don’t know it yet and won’t, relying on the old media and institutions of knowledge. Knowledge is not as useful as the ability to find out -- no matter how much one knows.