Meaning and Purpose
As simple as one can make it, one still has to actually do the exercises. Not a few people (especially of the intellectual sort) think that understanding something, and acting on that understanding, is the same thing -- and so they wonder why they aren’t getting the results, because they understand how it works.
This is fairly typical in the fragmentation of experience and life into the multiple realties that is the common cognitive dissonance of many people -- to the crippling distortions of multiple personalities and schizophrenia. With television and other media, it’s quite possible to be convinced that life is one thing, and one’s idea of it, is something totally different -- and even at war with one another, resulting in daily struggles against oneself. This confusion is the economic opportunity for a few who prey on misinformation and propaganda. That is the audience they are expected to deliver to their advertisers.
In an earlier time, information was scarce -- and now obviously, it is overabundant -- and mostly bad and incomplete (partisan). Those most vulnerable to these deceptions are the reporters and editors themselves -- because of their own inflated estimation of their abilities and vanities. They think that because they have received a degree or a certificate, they never have to think anymore -- because the degree or certificate is a substitute for thinking. Of course, even more stupid people are impressed.
But increasingly, more people develop higher levels of discrimination and discernment; they can tell differences, and ignore the commands not to discriminate, and think for themselves. Originally, to be a discriminating person was a high compliment denoting superior judgment and taste -- and now the mass media demands that we let them do everyone’s thinking for them, in telling us what is good, and the best -- while deriding and ridiculing those who don‘t jump on the “correct“ bandwagon. Usually such lists are a compendium of their biggest advertisers.
Even their self-proclaimed “objectivity,” is just their marketing ploy -- what we ought to believe. So the solutions that are offered, will not be the most effective -- but rather the most profitable. If one transportation device costs a hundred, while the other costs billions, the billions will be considered the superior -- because it costs more. The former will be disdained as the inferior because it only cost a hundred -- regardless of whether it is more effective and appropriate -- because the wrong criterion is being used to assess that meaning and purpose.
That’s a theme emerging more frequently these days in contemporary discussions -- meaning and purpose, the excitement and discovery of living -- beyond the material measurements that seldom measure the quality of life. Those are not the labor union issues; in fact, they make the conditions of work as deplorable, demeaning and arbitrary as possible to their own members -- to justify and exploit demands for higher strictly monetary compensation -- ignoring that for most, the freedom and dignity in doing their work, is a higher payoff. The ultimate possession is owning one’s own life (work) -- and not just consuming one more Big Mac.