The Only Unacceptable Frequency is “Never”
Lifestyles are one’s willingness and ability to change.
People who do best are those who are sensitive to and change when conditions change, and they are often among the first to be aware of them; those who do badly are those who resist change when it happens, insisting it can’t be happening, shouldn’t be happening, or somebody else should do something about it.
Regardless of our conditions, life is the ability to change, to respond, to adapt -- sooner or later, and better sooner than later, but we all do have to eventually. It requires tough decisions and choices, and often means taking a loss -- for a greater gain, even it is a relief from stress and the feeling that one “cannot do anything else.” Sometimes the answer is in doing anything else but one is doing -- but nobody is a good judge of that for everybody else.
We frequently read of people who complain that we shouldn’t defend ourselves if it means having to hurt anybody or violate their first amendment rights to hurt/kill us. It would be nice if there were choices with no downside -- but they don’t happen in real life, as one always has to choose the best of the options they know about. Thus, the critical key is knowing of all the options -- that one can actually exercise.
Many propose solutions that have nothing to do with any reality -- as their perfect solution, in a perfect world, because such solutions have evolved only in their minds, and not the interaction of reality and experience. Thus, it is easy to say, “One should exercise everyday for 30 minutes,” but the probability of being able to do so, are extremely low. When the threshold is lowered to 3 minutes a day or 30 minutes once a month, it is not only possible but highly likely one can do that.
The greatest increment of change and improvement, is going from 0 to 1 -- and not 1 to 10, or even 1 to 100. The biggest difference that makes the most difference in the world, is going from 0 to 1.
However, many are convinced that if they can’t start out with 100, it’s like having nothing at all, or 0; and so they equate 1, 2, 3 or any other amount up to their predetermined "something," as though it is nothing, and so, they cannot tell the difference between something and nothing -- and think that all is futile.
That is the beginning of despair and hopelessness -- in trying to achieve the impossible before doing the simplest thing -- well.
That’s how one gets started doing anything, and making any worthwhile changes.
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