Friday, June 13, 2008

The Road Less Traveled

One of the great rules for enjoying life as a bicyclist or pedestrian, is to assume that one is "invisible" to the motorists -- and given that assumption, unless clearly indicated otherwise, one should proceed with that caution .

It's great when there are bike lanes that allow one to travel speedily and safely, but oftentimes, they are not available and so the safer manner albeit not as fast, is to use the sidewalks, taking great care to ensure the safety of pedestrians and other means and use of them, especially the infrequent handicapped.

There's plenty of road, bike lanes and sidewalks -- as well as thoughtful and helpful people along the way to make this "road less traveled," one of the great experiences in daily life.

Remember, the objective is not to beat everyone else to anywhere first, or grab all the turf for one's exclusive use -- but to enjoy the community and common areas as mutually beneficial for all -- as an affirmation of what it means to be a citizen in a democracy.

Just as cars are not allowed to race on the public roadways as though they were a closed course race track, the same can be said of bike lanes and roadways. They were not meant to be closed course race tracks for everyone's mutually exclusive private use so that one need not slow down or pay heed to anyone else, and all that matters, is how fast one wants to go and how high they need to go to keep their heart rate up.

Again, those are concerns best left at gyms and other places of private uses -- and are presumptuous and boorish otherwise -- just as that long line behind one at the cashier's station, did not all show up to witness one’s own transactions and arguments with everyone else -- as a demonstration of their superiority over everybody else.

Success is the journey -- and the quality of that journey, and not the speed of it.

Undoubtedly, there’s a shift in values and how we value things now irrevocably underway. That shift is mainly from a high consumption, high cost, high maintenance lifestyle, to one of greater economies, efficiencies and personal expression and creativity -- by and for all.

That is the whole point of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” That is the ultimate success. That is the ultimate journey.


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