Increasing Resistance (Intensity)
An inevitable question of those who have been training successfully and productively -- while briefly and effortlessly, is how does one increase the intensity of their conditioning.
An important lesson in conditioning oneself to effect the fullest range of alternating muscular states, is the realization that the fullest contraction produces its own resistance to further contraction -- so that the greater the range, the greater the resistance, and therefore the intensity -- so while ostensibly doing the same amount of repetitions, it is possible to increase that intensity geometrically, and even logarithmically (tenfold) -- just in extending, or attempting to extend the range of movement further, even fractionally!
In many unfamiliar with what that would be like, it would be to pause in their present fullest contraction for at least a second, and maybe two, rather than simply moving from full contraction to full relaxation rhythmically without a pause. Just a few repetitions with this increased attention and pause in the contracted position, produces a significantly and noticeably higher level of intensity and exertion -- so that each repetition then becomes the equivalent of ten.
but first, it is necessary to know where, or in what positions, the body must be in to effect a muscular contraction -- that must happen because of the design and function of the muscles -- and NOT because of the resistance into moving to those positions, that is popularly though by the design of most exercise apparatus -- which actually precludes the possibility of actual full range.
That is to say, that the fullest range of muscular contraction cannot be achieved if there is any prior resistance on that muscle to achieve its fullest range. That fullest range can only be achieved when there is no load on that axis being exercised.
That in itself was one of the most remarkable revelations in developing a new understanding of conditioning -- that disputes, or lays waste to any claim of a machine that does provide resistance through the full range of movement that is possible. THERE MUST BE NO RESISTANCE or the fullest range of that movement possible for that muscle is not possible -- and it is the fullest range of that contraction, that is the greatest resistance possible to achieve.
And so not only is no MORE exercise necessary to increase the intensity of one’s conditioning necessary, but done exceeding well in this manner, becomes prohibitively impossible.
That is the metaphor for this new understanding of conditioning -- and how it can be supremely effective; it is not the quantity and any parameters of that discussion, but is an entirely different quality of movement and understanding.
Such movements are not to be confused with the old isometric exercises of static movement -- in which one employed either weights, immovable objects or one’s own muscles to provide the resistance to such movements -- which conditions the body (muscles) to work against itself -- in the manner that no evolutionary process would ever design. However, in moving to the greatest range of voluntary movement possible one’s present current range of motion is this resistance -- that can be increased even minutely, infinitely.
Wow, the best article on isometric strength I've read this year!! You described the training system I developed a couple of years ago. Measured Intensity Training (MIT). Using specially designed equipment we are able to measure the pure isometric movement, muscular contraction. Check it out
Wow, the best article on isometric muscle contraction that I've read in a long time. You actually described Measured Intensity Training (MIT). Which precisely measures the isometric contraction through resistance in the optimal range in order to achieve the highest recruit of muscle fibers in the world. Check it out The WORLD'S FASTEST WORKOUT!!!!
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